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Was just looking through some photos on 'puter...

(19 Posts)
shysal Sun 11-Oct-15 15:54:09

Margsus, he/she seems to have a Marcel wave! Wonderful picture, bet you are excited.

Margsus Sat 10-Oct-15 16:14:05

...and this is her brother or sister who is due to be born next month!

Margsus Sat 10-Oct-15 16:12:52

This is my granddaughter admiring herself in our hall mirror a couple of weeks ago....

Marmight Sat 10-Oct-15 15:18:58

Hot stuff! This is my 3 year old gs in his bro's cricket gear last year blush

loopylou Sat 10-Oct-15 14:17:44

But this is mine, two years ago!

shysal Sat 10-Oct-15 09:04:37

And this isn't my grandchild! grin

janeainsworth Fri 09-Oct-15 18:23:24

grin envious and elegran

Envious Fri 09-Oct-15 18:22:49

Yes I have a lot of money invested in those teeth! I even had those braces! grin

Elegran Fri 09-Oct-15 18:14:41

Are you the one with the pink sweater and the teeth, then, envious ?

Envious Fri 09-Oct-15 18:11:51

Ooh I wanted to post a funny pic from my photos instead of my face so here Ya go! This isn't my cat btw

janerowena Mon 11-May-15 13:58:03

That's what it was!

MiniMouse Mon 11-May-15 11:53:34

He was just acknowledging VE Day wink

janerowena Mon 11-May-15 09:57:50

It reminds me of Rag, Tag and Bobtail. Tales of the Riverbank!

glassortwo Mon 11-May-15 09:34:46


Lona Mon 11-May-15 09:26:53

Yeah, he was just doing 'bunny ears' grin

janerowena Sun 10-May-15 22:40:03

It's the Easter Bunny, silly. smile


Cheeky little horror!

janeainsworth Sun 10-May-15 20:39:55


Ana Sun 10-May-15 20:03:15

No, it's the wrong way round to be rude! He was probably just...waving grin

jinglbellsfrocks Sun 10-May-15 19:59:58

...and came to the Easter ones. This is a pic of the table decoration. hmm

Little perisher!