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The happy couple

(20 Posts)
Grannyknot Thu 31-Jul-14 14:44:38

This photo encapsulates the joy of my daughter's recent wedding day. The hilarity was because her (usually very shy and quiet) new husband had just cut some celebratory moves - much to everyone's delight, he danced a little jig.

HollyDaze Thu 31-Jul-14 15:25:39

How lovely, such genuine, happy faces smile

I often think one the greatest inventions ever was the photograph - memories can be relived so much clearer and prompt so many more smiles when you spot things or people you had forgotten.

mcem Thu 31-Jul-14 16:23:57

Congrats again GKnot. So glad that both of our girls had happy sunny days. (But admit it, didn't you breathe a sigh of relief when it was successfully over?

gillybob Thu 31-Jul-14 16:26:42

What a lovely picture Grannyknot I do love those natural photos totally unstaged. You can almost hear the picture can't you? So much better than those that are set up and posed. IMHO anyway. smile

Grannyknot Thu 31-Jul-14 16:31:23

mcem yes, I did! I hardly slept the night before the wedding worrying about the imminent birth of my grandson (he was overdue at that stage) and last minute nerves about the wedding. So I definitely am pleased and relieved that both events have taken place successfully smile

Grannyknot Thu 31-Jul-14 16:34:48

Gilly thanks and I agree. There was no official photographer, all the photos were taken by guests. So there are no posed photos... smile

Agus Thu 31-Jul-14 16:38:17

Great photograph. Lovely to have photographic memories of happy family events to look back on.

Nonu Thu 31-Jul-14 17:24:19

That seems to me a lovely Natural wedding !

Long and happy life to the couple !!


whenim64 Thu 31-Jul-14 17:40:50

Lovely photo, Grannyknot. Natural and joyous. My son gets marries in a few weeks - he and his fiancée hope theirs turns out like this.

merlotgran Thu 31-Jul-14 17:52:18

I love natural unposed wedding photos. So much better than the 'stage production' ones.

Congrats to the happy couple.

Iam64 Thu 31-Jul-14 18:53:50

What a lovely photograph Grannyknot, great reminder of a happy day

Grannyknot Thu 31-Jul-14 19:00:40

Thanks, everyone! We need a like button smile I think this is the photo I will have framed. I actually like it that it is in black and white too.

Penstemmon Thu 31-Jul-14 19:43:17

Lovely photo of what looks like a great celebration!

Mamie Fri 01-Aug-14 05:53:48

What a lovely, happy photo. You must be delighted that everything went so well and the safe arrival of Charlie was really the icing on the cake!

ffinnochio Fri 01-Aug-14 06:49:45

Delightful, gk. sunshine

POGS Fri 01-Aug-14 10:46:16


Smashing photo of a lovely day for you all to remember.

Good wishes not only to you but to the happy couple also. It certainly looked like everybody was having a good laugh. smile

SteveJackson Mon 15-Sep-14 06:33:38

Happiest couple..

absent Mon 15-Sep-14 06:36:44

Looks as if they have started as they mean to go on. Long may it last! smile

MargStone Tue 16-Sep-14 04:38:05

Lovely couple

glammanana Tue 16-Sep-14 09:49:09

Lovely happy photograph x beautiful bride.