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(1001 Posts)
jinglbellsfrocks Thu 08-Sep-16 17:32:11

You warned me that the next time I was reported you would bar me. I have just had a post deleted.

Time to click?

merlotgran Wed 05-Oct-16 22:35:44

When I first joined Gransnet in 2012 there was a right old ding-dong going on between jingl and two or three others. A few posts were deleted and eventually the whole thread.

Nobody flounced.

Gransnet was more edgy and interesting in those days. The Active list was bursting with a variety new threads. Some were not for the faint-hearted but at least we weren't faced with bland, watered down opinions. Thread topics where emotions were likely to run high often turned into a battlefield but why is that so wrong when the participants are of an age where they should be more or less unshockable and capable of either holding their own or having the wisdom to step away and leave well alone.

GrannyNet closed down through lack of interest.

Nuff said!

kittylester Thu 06-Oct-16 07:22:09

That's very well said Merlot.

I come back to my point about new people not leaping in before they have got the hang of GN. People who have been here a while 'get it' and don't over react.

I welcome having new people on the forum but like them to get the feel of things first.

NanKate Thu 06-Oct-16 07:34:25

I too miss Jing and her outspoken ways that gave 'an edge' to some threads on GN. I hope we are not going to become a watered down, highly PC, version of GN. We are big girls and boys and if we are offended we can move to other threads on this social platform.

I get the feeling HQ is just hoping we will give up on our protest, WELL I WON'T.

Wobblybits Thu 06-Oct-16 07:49:44

The nice thing about Jings was that she didn't hold grudges, I have had spats with her, but once that has past, we are friendly again. Without people like her GN would be beige and boring.

GNHQ, don't let GN become beige.

thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 07:50:03

Jings is reading the threads and I think (please note the subject has changed to I) she is quite glad for the pause in "narky emails" from HQ.

Y'know what? (as my US sister-in-law says), I think this whole episode says more about HQ than it does about posters on GN, even though the Jingle reporters played a role too. Grow some balls, HQ. How about standing up to whiners?

Gransnet doesn't need the "safe spaces" approach.

obieone Thu 06-Oct-16 07:50:49

Why can't jingl come back a bit watered down?

A compromise.

obieone Thu 06-Oct-16 07:51:39

x post, but still valid I think.

Riverwalk Thu 06-Oct-16 07:53:38

She'll be back ... guns blazing!

obieone Thu 06-Oct-16 07:56:06

I like jingl.
But I do think she needs to tone it down a bit.

Some posters can take things better than others.

Some posters are more sensitive than others. They cant help that.

I knew how to take jingl, but she was a bit personal against at least one poster and that was/is not on.

I think she understands all this.
It should halt the "narky emails".

Does jingl actually want to come back?

thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 07:56:46

Why is Gransnetters treated differently from Mumsnetters? I can't think of any good reason why we should be. The only reason I can think of is ageism.

Explanation, please, HQ.

Although a change so that there isn't a difference would be better hmm

thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 07:57:13

is are

obieone Thu 06-Oct-16 07:58:48

Personally I think mumsnet got so big that they could not possibly control it in the same way they do with gransnet.

kittylester Thu 06-Oct-16 08:00:21

I suspect ageism too bags. A sort of 'dont offend granny - she is easily shocked'. Abit like my eldest grandson who told his sister off for saying 'bum' in front of me. grin

thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 08:05:01

Some grannies may be easily shocked but so what ? That shouldn't guide HQ's approach to mederating any more than it does on Mumsnet. I bet plently of mumsnetters are easily shocked too.

Actually, I'm less shockable now than I was when I was a young mum. Far less.

thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 08:05:21


thatbags Thu 06-Oct-16 08:06:09

When one doesn't have young kids to protect....

Alima Thu 06-Oct-16 08:10:09

I think that too thatbags. Do mumsnetters get policed at all? Sometimes comes across as censorship on GNet. I miss JBF on here. I get her soh, sadly lacking in some I could mention. I know I have only been on here a dog watch compared to some but I also like the way she doesn't bang on about being on here forever like some of the "prefects" do. There, said it, tin hat at the ready.

Riverwalk Thu 06-Oct-16 08:12:45

bags I agree. We had a similar discussion here some time back where I commented on the things that MN gets away with.

I can't remember the thread GN but there was one that mentioned a public figure/celeb involved in something or other and some posts were deleted - it didn't involve a current court case.

Meanwhile on MN there was a thread that accused various named celebs of the most outrageous sexual and criminal (drugs) behaviour.

Yes, ageism.

GNHQ seem to have a preconceived idea about how the over-50s should conduct themselves - it can't all be about cake and word games.

LullyDully Thu 06-Oct-16 08:20:09

I miss her, she added spice, common sense and a laugh. Did she use to have a different name a few years ago. J 52 or something like that?

Anya Thu 06-Oct-16 08:23:57

I'm not posting on GN at the moment, and haven't for several weeks. I only popped in to pick up a PM. TBH I was fed up with the way that the usual whingers keep running to HQ with the slightest thing but even more that HQ delete posts just because they are reported and then fob us off with 'breaking forum guidelines. HQ need to grow a pair.

Of course it's ageism. And as a result GN has become bland and boring. I've just read through the active thread headlines and yea gods! there's virtually nothing I'd want to discuss.

Here's the emoticon jingl requested roastchicken I think it's suppose to mean 'I'm off as I have better things to do' but actually I think the two leg bones sticking up signal my feelings to GNHQ quite well ...hmm

Wobblybits Thu 06-Oct-16 08:51:03

One of the man problems with deleted posts for me is that GNHQ do not make it clear to the offender exactly why the post has been deleted. When I left GN a while ago due to my posts repeatedly being deleted by GNHQ (not because a gner asked for them to be deleted) for breaking guidelines. I repeatedly requested the reason, but they would not give them. I wanted to respond to a comment made about me, but each time I did, the post was deleted. Only AFTER I de-registered was I told the reason, which had I been told that earlier, I could have answered the comment without breaking guidelines as the offending part was irrelevant.

Lona Thu 06-Oct-16 09:51:29

I agree with all the previous comments (except Obie), it does seem like ageism. It was much more interesting on here when sparks were flying and posters were stamping their feet! Nothing wrong with lively debate and disagreements.
Come on GNHQ, it's time you treated us with some respect for our intelligence and common sense.

Ana Thu 06-Oct-16 10:01:11

I think a lot of it's down to the newer GNHQ staff/moderators. They seem rather distant.

There's a noticeable difference in moderating style since the early days and it does seem as though they take the line of least resistance and delete anything that someone reports.

kittylester Thu 06-Oct-16 10:07:11

I wish hq would engage with us and ask what we want and also explain what we can and can't do. If we all get fed up and stop posting no one would want to advertise.

I remember greatnan having some real ding dongs with people in the early days and I don't remember posts being deleted.

NannyMcPhU Thu 06-Oct-16 10:10:45

Well I've not been on here long enough to know what's what but it seems to me that a forum for those our age should be left to virtually monitor itself and the moderators should only step in 'in extremis' . Sounds like they are micro-managing the debates.

When I have my grandchildren round and the inevitable squabble breaks out I leave them to sort it out themselves and only intervene when it looks life threatening.

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