Thunder and lightning recipe

Thunder and lightning recipe from wallers5

gluten free nut free kids can help vegetarian
Category Dessert recipes
Prep time5-10 mins
Cook time0 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


580ml good-quality vanilla ice cream
4 tbsp golden syrup
4 tbsp clotted cream
2 tsp demerara sugar

Handy Hint

You can make a slightly different version by adding fresh fruit. Instead of sugar you could add grated chocolate.


1. Put two scoops of ice cream into each of four glass dishes.
2. Spoon over the golden syrup, top with a tablespoon of clotted cream & sprinkle the demerara sugar over the top and serve at once!

gransnetter Reviews

From: wallers5 on Fri 04-May-12 14:16:56 Overall rating: 0.0
Quick & easy & everyone loves ice cream puddings. Delicious with Cornish ice cream & cornish clotted cream.