Mulled wine and beef casserole recipe

Mulled wine and beef casserole recipe from banananna

slow cooker
Category Meat recipes
Prep time15 mins
Cook time2.5 hours

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


4 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1 pinch ground nutmeg (3-4 gratings of fresh nutmeg)
1tbsp light brown sugar
¾ bottle of red wine
2tbp olive oil
1 white onion, diced
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2 celery sticks, roughly chopped
2 bay leaves
500g stewing beef, diced
2tbsp plain flour
500ml beef stock


Pre-heat oven to 160°C/320°F/Gas Mark 3
Place all the spices, sugar and wine into a saucepan on a moderate heat and bring to the boil, then simmer for 8-10 mins.
In a large casserole dish over medium heat, throw in the oil, onion, carrots, celery and bay leaves and stir for around 5-7 mins.
While that’s cooking, coat your beef all over with the flour, season then shake off the excess. Once the vegetables start to soften, put your beef in the pan and fry off until it browns all over.
Once brown, pour in couple of spoonfuls of the mulled wine mixture and stir for a few seconds to deglaze the bottom of the pan, then chuck in the remaining wine and beef stock. Bring up to the boil, then put the lid on and place in the pre-heated oven for around 2-2 hrs 30 mins. Remove from the oven when the meat starts to fall apart, check seasoning then serve.

gransnetter Reviews

From: banananna on Wed 29-Oct-14 12:52:31 Overall rating: 0.0