Pork, cabbage and mushroom casserole recipe

Pork, cabbage and mushroom casserole recipe from lavendarlilac

egg free slow cooker
Category Meat recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time3 hours

gransnetter ratings

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glug olive oil
2 medium sized onions, diced
2 medium sized potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 clove garlic, roughly chopped
1/4 white cabbage, shredded
500ml good quality chicken stock
salt and pepper to taste (go easy on salt as stock is salty)
2 rashers smoked back bacon, diced
2 rashers belly pork, rind removed and halved
100ml dry white wine
75g sliced button mushrooms

Handy Hint

Serve with crusty bread.


Pre-heat the oven to 140 C / Gas 2.

Add a splash of olive oil to an oven-safe pot or casserole dish.

Cook down onion, potatoes, garlic and cabbage.

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan with a small amount of oil and pan fry the bacon until crisp. When it's ready, add it to the onion, potatoes etc.

In the same pan, sear the belly pork. Add it to the same dish as the cabbage, bacon, onion and potatoes. In the frying pan add the wine and bring to the boil. Stir well to deglaze, add the remaining stock, bring to the boil and then pour the liquid into the casserole.

Cover with a tight fitting lid and place in the oven for 60 to 90 minutes. Remove from the oven, check liquid has not all evaporated, add a little more stock if necessary. Place back in the oven for a further 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven and add the mushrooms, mix in gently. Return back to the oven for a further 30-45 minutes, occasionally checking the liquid.

Remove from the oven 10 minutes before serving.

gransnetter Reviews

From: lavendarlilac on Wed 05-Nov-14 16:15:15 Overall rating: 0.0