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outsourcing the solution the country needs?

(29 Posts)
whenim64 Thu 11-Jul-13 19:25:27

There's ethical and there's corrupt!!!

nanaej Thu 11-Jul-13 19:21:53

I am no economist but I see that the purpose of a private company is to make a profit. If the business is not producing widgets but offering a service and the service is only used by the government and the government is broke then I can't see why I would want to offer the service unless i could see a sneaky way to make a profit!

whenim64 Thu 11-Jul-13 19:17:18

G4S (yet again) creaming off profits, and now Serco. It makes me hopping mad. We had this with Morrisons (not the supermarket) charging outrageous costs for catering and building management in probation and other publlc sector organisations. 500% mark up on toilet rolls, room keys, light bulbs, sending workmen from Norwich to Manchester to refill a fire extinguisher, 150 miles to change an office lightbulb, failing to send workmen to fix broken security locks that were supposed to keep dangerous offenders curfewed. We stopped notifying them about lightbulbs, keys and toilet rolls and bought them on the same street where we were sited. Whistle blowers from their own organisation and the Home Office were told cancelling the contract early would cost millions, so they ignored it!

nanaej Thu 11-Jul-13 18:32:39

Just heard that two private companies have been claiming for non existent prisoners....