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AIBU to think this is totally unnecessary?

(106 Posts)
Teetime Wed 27-Jun-18 15:29:02

We never allow men to take their tops off on the golf course but we still get a few - I love coming all over Vice Captain and telling them off!!!

rockgran Wed 27-Jun-18 15:24:13

I agree, Nannylovesshopping - too much flesh on show. Some things are best covered!

ninathenana Wed 27-Jun-18 14:59:18

Many shops have signs stating "tops must be worn" and so they should IMO. I don't care if they have a six pack or a beer belly I don't want to see it !
H likes to walk along the prom with his shirt off if it's very hot but puts it on as soon as he is in the street.

Fennel Wed 27-Jun-18 14:50:35

Anyway it's so unpractical - and dangerous for fair skin not used to the sun.
Arabs who cover up in the hot sun have more sense.

Nannylovesshopping Wed 27-Jun-18 14:44:19

I think there is too much flesh everywhere, some of it not at all pleasant, why would you want to be far too close to a semi-naked man bent over the freezer cabinet choosing his burgers, with his butt on show as he’s into the trend of wearing his pants at low mast! This happened to me yesterday in Sainsbury, put me off my lunch, the image is burned into my retinas, hopefully not for ever☹️

nixon Wed 27-Jun-18 14:21:05

I understand that it is hot and there is a heatwave and all that but is it really necessary to do your shopping in the high street while topless? I am talking about a man, I think we might all agree that a woman topless in a high street would be inappropriate. But queueing in the post office and supermarket with a man wearing only shorts and flip flops (and shorts pulled down rather low at that) just feels wrong. Do what you want in the garden or even the park. But in the high street should we not cover up a bit? What's appropriate for sunbathing or the beach doesn't make it right to go to the bank etc