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My poor bulbs

(30 Posts)
BlueBelle Wed 20-Mar-19 17:23:46

I m not asking for a solution as there isn’t one This has been discussed before but I just need a five minute vent about the bluddy cat that has just scratched up a load of bulbs I planted and done a great big old whatsot in the middle for the second time in two days I don’t hate cats per sey but I could cheerfully strangle this one

BlueBelle Sun 24-Mar-19 12:42:21

I bought a high pitch thingy from Amazon Bikergran A few days later I took a photograph of a cat with its tail up and bum a few inches from the ‘thingy’ doing a poo I sent the ‘thingy’ and the photo back to Amazon and got my money back So NO I don’t recommend them keep your money
The bulbs are back in (4th time ) whether they will sprout or not after all this disruption I don’t know but worth a try I ve found some temporary wire stuff I had for the sweet peas to climb up and that’s over them until I can get to the shops
Chewbacca I think I ll have to try the cats cradle I remember my grandads garden used to be like that

I m ok now I ve just had a text from my friend who Dad has just died so that puts everything into perspective doesn’t it

NfkDumpling Sun 24-Mar-19 12:47:00

We have a gadget which fits on the hose. It has a sensor on it and directs a quick spray of water when the beam is broken. We move it around the garden to keep the cats on their toes. It works. It also provides entertainment for the DGC on hot days!

NfkDumpling Sun 24-Mar-19 12:50:13

This one:

BlueBelle Sun 24-Mar-19 15:37:00

I haven’t got an outdoor tap NfkDumpling so wouldn’t work for me bu5 that sounds good does it Keep the local cats at bay ?
I ve reinforced all the bulb areas today so we ll see what it’s like tomorrow I ve also hung some dangly things in the tree by the wall where I ve seen this big boy come over (might put him off). Fingers crossed