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(5 Posts)
Anja Wed 05-Jun-19 18:23:57

It’s the problem of getting it to them to repair.

Anja Wed 05-Jun-19 18:22:30

Direct from Karcher!

Cold Wed 05-Jun-19 15:41:50

Here is some information about your rights regarding faulty goods.

Cold Wed 05-Jun-19 15:38:53

Where did you buy it? Surely your contract is with the retailer unless you bought direct from Karcher?

Anja Wed 05-Jun-19 15:18:54

AIBU? My Karcher hard floor cleaner is kaput after only 3 months. Will they send someone out to look at it?


I’m supposed to return it in a cardboard box. This is quite a large machine and who keeps a box that long?

After a long and quite negative discussion with Karcher, and I kept pointing out that it was their product that had failed me, they eventually agreed to send a box I could use to return their broken machine.

Well here it is! Clearly no one could be bothered to send the right size.

AIBU to expect better from them?