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We are NOT ‘you guys’

(155 Posts)
Sara65 Wed 07-Aug-19 15:23:53


Recently had a pleasant stay in a lovely hotel, staff were attentive and friendly, but constantly referred to us as “you guys”
“What are you guys doing today?”
“Are you guys ready to order?”
“Would you guys care to see a wine list?”
Made me smile, but I didn’t really like it, preferable to being Madam though!

Pantglas1 Wed 07-Aug-19 15:15:58

This one made me smile as when I started texting I used the usual abbreviations that people used in their texts with me.

My DD was horrified and told me to stop using the language of ‘a bro in da ‘hood’! She preferred my usually correct grammar, spelling and punctuation in an email!

EllanVannin Wed 07-Aug-19 15:14:57

It's the Ms I can't stand, when I address myself as Mrs.

Alima Wed 07-Aug-19 15:11:40

Doesn’t bother me nearly as much as being called madam. Loathe that.

GinJeannie Wed 07-Aug-19 15:08:09

AIBU in absolutely hating being referred to as ‘you guys’? DH and myself really resent being called this. It’s bad enough when staff in shops, hotels, etc use this awful phrase but now I’ve had a text from DD using it. We are her parents, Mum and Dad, a family nickname even, all highly preferable to this. I replied with a request to please not use that phrase for us and did at least get a thumbs up emoji by return! Be interested to hear what other GN feel!