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To be angry with my brother over our fathers death?

(202 Posts)
Iam64 Thu 21-May-20 13:14:03

Grieving for our fathers is a difficult thing at any time. If the relationship has been like the one your experienced, the grieving process can be even harder.
Your brother sounds a prize - try to avoid any unnecessary contact with him. Look after yourself

Buttonjugs Thu 21-May-20 13:10:25

My dad died on Tuesday, he had been living with me for the past three years since he was living up north and began to struggle on his own. I came to regret that decision because he lived far longer than anyone thought he would and I had given up half of my house. Some background: he wasn’t a particularly nice man, had been violent towards my mother with drink and when they divorced he threatened her with violence if she didn’t sign a form to renounce her entitlement to half the house and paid her a smaller sum of money. I have two brothers, one of them came over to take him shopping once a week, the other barely saw him despite only being about fifteen miles away. I had a horrible week as he got more poorly and had the paramedics out twice before they would take him into hospital due to Covid 19, but I could see he was dying anyway so it wouldn’t make any difference. I texted my brothers and only the one who took him shopping replied. The day after he died, the brother who had barely seen him posted a status on Facebook describing him as a wonderful father and role model. He got lots of sympathy and I was furious. He also seemed to imply that there was something odd about the death. He has tried to ring me a few times but I didn’t want to speak to him so in the end I sent a text letting him have it with both barrels about why I was so angry. Was this unreasonable?