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Footballs over the fence

(117 Posts)
BlueBelle Sat 19-Jun-21 22:54:29

I used to have the kids from next door playing in my back alleyway and the ball would regularly come over I don’t mind getting it for them, I made a rule that evening time I would only get up twice, and after that they had to wait till the next day they quickly got the idea and the third one they wouldn’t bother asking and would get left till the next morning, anyway they grew up and it became quiet, no balls last year Now a new family have moved in, the others side, we re not joined on, a small alleyway in between, but the first day they moved in I had two balls and an arrow to recover for a little 3/4 year old and 7 am each morning I hear bounce bounce bounce haha I don’t really mind I m glad they re out in the fresh air

JenniferEccles Sat 19-Jun-21 22:43:49

At 15 he is old enough to be aware that it must be annoying for his neighbour to keep having these balls landing in their garden, possibly damaging expensive plants.

He is most certainly more than old enough to go to an open space somewhere to have a kick about.

The parents’ attitude is dreadful.
The children love football so to hell with everyone else.

CanadianGran Sat 19-Jun-21 22:15:14

If you can't see an end to it, can you install a net? Two poles in the corner of your property, and some netting and hopefully the balls will bounce back. I know it's a bit extreme, but it could end the issue.

greenlady102 Sat 19-Jun-21 22:03:36


Panda - never implied that about you at all. But own it if you want. But generally people complain about kids and screens - but then people also complain about children playing outside and their noise/balls. Just think children can’t win nowadays, criticism whatever they do. Just chuck the bloomin balls back and move on!

a couple of times a week and no damage done? Sure, but multiple times a day when it lands on my plants and frightens my dog? No way.
and once again, who are these "people" because none of them are me! Provided children aren't causing a nuisance, I don't care what they do.

PaperMonster Sat 19-Jun-21 21:52:05

Panda - never implied that about you at all. But own it if you want. But generally people complain about kids and screens - but then people also complain about children playing outside and their noise/balls. Just think children can’t win nowadays, criticism whatever they do. Just chuck the bloomin balls back and move on!

eazybee Sat 19-Jun-21 20:51:34

I would only return the balls when they come round to ask for them , and give them a lecture as you do. They can't have an inexhaustible supply.

"They just love football" so basically, stuff everyone else.
Explains the attitude discussed elsewhere about football.

greenlady102 Sat 19-Jun-21 20:45:26


People moan that kids are always on screens then moan when they’re playing out. They can’t win! hmm

Who are these people? because none of them are me!

Pandagran28 Sat 19-Jun-21 20:44:03


People moan that kids are always on screens then moan when they’re playing out. They can’t win! hmm

Don’t think I’m moaning, I’ve had years of hell from neighbours. I doubt you would understand having up to four balls every day in the garden.

You imply that I am moaning about kids being on screens.
Can you point me to where I made that statement please ?

Whitewavemark2 Sat 19-Jun-21 20:15:42

We have two tinies next door so we can’t expect their aim to be much good yet. So I happily throw anything back that comes over the fence - including balls. I usually get a “thank you” from the older one (4).

bikergran Sat 19-Jun-21 20:05:07

I have the same problem over the last 6 yrs I had to stop inviting my mum n dad over to sit in the garden for a bite to eat and cuppa.

Tues/Thursdays/Saturdays. 2 lads playing football kicking it against "their" fence with bang bang constantly.

We would sit in the conservatory but no peace there as the ball would land on the roof, making my mum jump. It got worse when 2 more gc arrived.

We gave up in the end as was too stressful, it was sad as my mum n dad lived in top floor flat, my mum was terminally ill.

So we used to drive and sit near the park in peace and quiet.

It must be horrendous for the other neighbors also, but we don't say anything.

I have 2 gs myself, one 15yrs one 6 yrs they have never once kicked the ball into neighbors garden as I take them to the park or the car park near by.

Some many
have no consideration for others.

PaperMonster Sat 19-Jun-21 19:55:09

People moan that kids are always on screens then moan when they’re playing out. They can’t win! hmm

Cathymac Sat 19-Jun-21 19:48:57

It becomes annoying if you have spent a bit of money on lovely flowers and plants and they end up broken. This was happening to a friend of mine . Apart from damage from the ball she came home from work one day to find the teenage neighbour trampling all over the vegetable plot looking for a ball.

Marydoll Sat 19-Jun-21 19:27:10

We had a neighbour, we called Juliet Bravo, as she was always calling the police about children's balls going in her garden.
One parent went to ask her for a ball back, she opened a cupboard, it was full of consiscated balls!

We have had this bother, despite the fence being six foot high. We just throw the balls back over. However, I can see it can become annoying.

Maggiemaybe Sat 19-Jun-21 19:26:19

I just chuck them back I did joke with them that I only Chuck them back in hopes they’ll buy me a big bar of chocolate like the advert.

DH did that with the children next door - he's kicking footballs back to them every day.

They popped round with their dad last week to present him with a box of Heroes. smile

We don't find it annoying. Children love football and gardens generally make small pitches. They'll grow out of it soon enough.

greenlady102 Sat 19-Jun-21 18:38:16

I have had this problem with previous neighbours and its blooming annoying. I had a dog and its amazing how many times the dog got to the ball before I did. Of course I always handed the balls back but they weren't good for much and it was amazing how quickly the balls stopped coming. Another option would be to say that you will hand balls back once a day/week month at xxx time and no other.

tanith Sat 19-Jun-21 18:30:46

I have children to the back of my garden I find balls all the time big ones and little ones, it doesn’t bother me I just chuck them back I did joke with them that I only Chuck them back in hopes they’ll buy me a big bar of chocolate like the advert. Why do you find it so annoying? Are they causing damage maybe in which case you are entitled to be annoyed.

pattieb Sat 19-Jun-21 18:08:19

The family next door constantly kicks footballs into our garden. I know we have to give them back but tend to make them wait a while or ask for them back.
Some days there can be as many a three or four.
We’ve tried to reason with the neighbours but they just don’t see it as a problem.
They just say they are children and they love football. The son is 15 !