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Jury Service tomorrow

(47 Posts)
tanith Sun 24-Apr-16 13:46:11

I've been called for Jury Service tomorrow just wondered about other peoples experiences? I've never been called before but its all been explained full how it all works so I'm quite looking forward to the experience I realise there will be quite a lot of waiting around I'm just hoping they have comfy seats or my back and hip are going to protest LOUDLY!! grin

morethan2 Sun 24-Apr-16 13:55:22

Hope you get somthing interesting Tanith but we'll never know will wewink hope the 'old bones' are o.k

Lazigirl Sun 24-Apr-16 14:01:24

I had never done it before but was called 3 years ago. They call many more than they need so in the end quite a few sent home but on daily standby. There's a lot of hanging around but I was eventually on a case than lasted 2 weeks, and ended up being foreman(person) which was interesting. Quite an enlightening experience. Hope you find it so.

merlotgran Sun 24-Apr-16 14:06:01

Take a good book. I enjoyed the experience and got on well with the other jurors during 'down time'.

Pippa000 Sun 24-Apr-16 14:30:17

I was called first week in to a new job. Was on one case only, but it was a very interesting experience. Not a bit like Judge John Deed, unfortunately.

aquagran Sun 24-Apr-16 14:36:25

My experience was like Rumpole of the Bailey. I loved every minute of it!

Liz46 Sun 24-Apr-16 15:19:48

I went a few weeks ago. My main advice is to be careful when you are sitting reading. I now have a pain in my neck from looking down so much!
It was certainly interesting. I was called three times but just sat through one three day trial.

Maggiemaybe Sun 24-Apr-16 15:19:57

Never been called, and always wanted to do it, so I'm envy Do let us know how you get on!

My DBIL sat on 3 cases during his fortnight, and said two were interesting, one deadly dull (but didn't last long). A colleague had to sit about reading for a fortnight, then was called on the last day in relation to a very long murder trial - fortunately, the jury just had to decide on fitness to plead, then a new one was chosen, or she'd have been there for ages! And a friend's husband had one 2 week case, absolutely loved it, and said it was just like being in a film.

tanith Sun 24-Apr-16 15:21:34

Good sounds like positive experiences all round , I have my Kindle App on my ipad so plenty of choice of reading material.. morethan2 my 'old bones' are seriously hurting and I'm waiting to have my second THR wink

Jane10 Sun 24-Apr-16 15:21:37

I had to phone every evening after 5 to see if I'd be needed. I'd cancelled all arrangements all week just in case and duly phoned each evening -and wasn't needed at all. There must have been several hundred of us throughout the city all calling in for the various courts. What a waste of time for so many people to have their lives on hold just in case. I can't help thinking that there must be a more efficient way of going about things.

mollie Sun 24-Apr-16 15:21:58

I've been called twice but only served once, about three years ago. I went reluctantly but enjoyed the experience. There is a lot of sitting about so make sure you have something to read or listen to.

M0nica Sun 24-Apr-16 15:26:34

I wouldn't say I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a low level historic child abuse case. based mainly on one case of touching a child inappropriately, with no suggestion that it was the tip of an iceberg, nor of it being other than an isolated incident. Nevertheless, not very enjoyable.

However the experience was very interesting, seeing how the court system worked, from the law enforcement side. The jury I was on all took the job seriously and we had a good foreman. i found it particularly interesting to find out the extent to which the jury could pass notes via the clerk to the judge to ask for further information during the cross-examination stage.

nightowl Sun 24-Apr-16 16:21:46

I was called 10 years ago and was on a murder case that lasted for over 5 weeks. It was very interesting. We were asked at the beginning if we would be available for 6 weeks so be ready with an excuse if that happens to you - you can't just say no without a good reason.

Newquay Sun 24-Apr-16 16:26:30

If I were called now I would have to ask to be excused. Painful joints mean I can't sit for long on uncomfy chairs; am hard of hearing (eh?) and have the concentration (or is memory?) of a goldfish

tanith Sun 24-Apr-16 16:31:31

I shall definitely opt out if they want me for a long trial I shall have trouble sitting still for long periods as it is. I'm going to ask if its alright for me to stand up occasionally (if I'm actually on a jury) they may not actually want me if I'm going to be a pain in the @rse, pardon the pun grin I just didn't want to pass up on the opportunity right from the off.

Deedaa Sun 24-Apr-16 16:32:02

It must be 20 years ago that I was called. We had a child (well teenager) abuse case were we found the accused not guilty on one count and couldn't agree on the others so that was a bit of an anticlimax. Then we should have had an interesting criminal case but the accused and his lawyers didn't turn up and the judge dismissed us. It was interesting but our foreman's reliance on prayer rather than hard evidence was a bit wearing.

Eloethan Sun 24-Apr-16 19:18:34

My sons's partner was called a couple of weeks ago. She did 2 weeks. She found it interesting and quite enjoyed it. I don't think I would enjoy sitting on a very serious case - such a responsibility.

What surprised me was that there is a maximum payment per day for child care (£60 I think it was), even if a person has more than one young child who requires it. I think she also said there was a flat rate for loss of pay. I believe her employer made up the difference but if a trial goes on for weeks and someone loses out as a result of either of these issues, that must be a huge worry.

Newquay Sun 24-Apr-16 19:21:42

DH was called years ago. He's v tall and sat squashed in the jury box with his toes sloping upwards on the floor! It was a v old building! He couldn't do that now that's for sure.

gettingonabit Sun 24-Apr-16 19:25:45

I did it about 10 years ago.It was an underage sex case (a schoolteacher was on trial for having a relationship with an underage pupil.

It was fascinating-so multi-faceted. I got very invested and was the only one of the 12 to want him cleared. In the end, the judge accepted a majority verdict so the teacher went downsad.

Very, very interesting experience.

rubylady Mon 25-Apr-16 01:21:25

I was called about 14 years ago, I loved every minute of it. I don't think I'd be able to do it now due to my health but I am very glad that I have ticked it off.

lynnie1 Mon 25-Apr-16 07:53:20

Yes, I was called ten years ago. Most of my time was spent reading and chatting. We got a voucher to spend for lunch. The one time that I did get chosen, I had to ask to be excused. I had actually typed the interview of the defendant and knew the officers in the case. I was a shorthand typist for the police.

brenh34 Mon 25-Apr-16 11:45:21

I've been called twice, the second time at the Old Bailey. Quite an experience but it can become incredibly boring when you are not on a jury. Take a good book to read. or crossword/sudoku. However, you do seem to strike up instant friendships with the other people and we all had a great laugh. Bit like being on holiday really, you never see these people again but it's good while it lasts.

Gherkin Mon 25-Apr-16 11:55:21

I attended jury service last year for a 5 week trial of a serial killer. I found it quite harrowing at times and very draining. The seats were hard and didn't do my hip and back any good! The upside was our lovely lunch was brought every day with all kinds of goodies. It was the first and only time I've ever been called and tbh was an experience I'm glad to have had.

Anniebach Mon 25-Apr-16 12:02:26

Never had to endure it because I am the widow of a police officer , I fear I would be the Henry Fonda in the room if I did

nightowl Mon 25-Apr-16 12:31:00

Anniebach I always thought I would be the Henry Fonda on the jury but I'm afraid that as I listened to the evidence I became more and more outraged by the number of lives our defendant had ruined and I was almost glad to find him guilty. I felt we had done his victims and society in general a favour by helping to remove him from society for a long period, and I haven't lost any sleep over his fate since then. What has stayed with me though is the victim's mother's silent 'thank you' to us as the verdict was announced, and I still think of her from time to time.

I have to say though, that I could never have voted for a guilty verdict if the death penalty was in force, however compelling the evidence.