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VirginiaGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 16-Apr-15 12:14:39

Growing old gracefully – and quietly

Author of 'The Small Fortune of Dorothea Q', Sharon Maas shares her joy in growing old and not caring about what people think.

Sharon Maas

Growing old gracefully - and quietly

Posted on: Thu 16-Apr-15 12:14:39


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Sharon Maas

I love being sixty-something, and wouldn’t turn back the clock for all the world. For one thing, as I told an online friend recently, for the first time ever I just don’t care what others think of me. “Well,” she replied “what are all these outrageous and inappropriate things you do?” I laughed. “Who said anything about outrageous and inappropriate?” I asked. “That’s what young people do to feel brave and confident. What I meant was that I find joy in the quieter things in life, and I don’t care if others call me boring”

Outrageous and inappropriate indeed! Bring on the quiet stuff. I recently read an article in which some minor ageing celebrity gushed on about staying young, listing all the youthful, exciting things she had done as well as counting off the antics of other celebrities who have “kept their youth”. I shuddered. Over my dead body. I have no interest in wild partying, and even less in sex with young stags, and I won’t be pressured into holding on to such activities. And I don’t care if, by living a quieter life, I’m deemed “invisible” by society.

I have never felt so fulfilled, with a contentment that grows almost from day to day

Back when I was young, I did care. I’m the introverted type. Much of my joy in life comes from invisible, internal sources, and I cared desperately that I wasn’t as outgoing as others. My self-esteem suffered as I felt the pressure to earn appreciation. I had to be pretty, sexy, fun-loving, outrageous, the life and soul of the party. I also had to be successful, a high energy achiever, and of course, talkative. But I wasn’t.

The result? Lack of confidence for most of my youth. OK, coming of age in the sixties was a lot of fun; I travelled, I smoked weed, I had adventures, I broke all the rules. But I was never truly happy.

Growing older for me means letting go of those fake youthful values. I’m moving into an exciting era of true independence, one that comes from within. I know my worth, and no longer blindly accept the standards youth dictates for “success”. I’ve found my own principles and am now strong enough to live by those. I have the treasure of experience to guide me; I’ve learnt from life, and especially from my mistakes. I’ve fumbled my way to the wisdom that the source of self-confidence is, quite literally, within.

Growing old means cultivating those internal sources of joy. For me, this lies in reading, writing, nature, my grandchild (and those to come!), meditation, spirituality. For others this might be walking, swimming, gardening, knitting or painting.

I appreciate life in a way I never did before, and have the inner strength to deal with trials calmly and stoically, like standing by my husband in his horrible illness. Yes, life is full of challenges. But I have never felt so fulfilled, with a contentment that grows almost from day to day. Others might find me invisible, and my life boring; but you know what? I don’t care. The adventure just got real!

By Sharon Maas

Twitter: @sharon_maas

petallus Sun 19-Apr-15 08:27:06

I wish I could fall asleep whilst meditating jings. It would be an easy cure for my insomnia.

Aruna51 I really did identidy with your blog. At 72 I am happy to have a quietly lived life and have no wish to dash around joining many clubs, climbing Everest, wearing purple and doing other things to make people say 'ooh she's wonderful for her age'.

I'm pleased to be relatively invisible, especially to men in a sexual sense. What a relief!

I've always been an inner kind of person and I do feel content that I achieved a lot in my forties and fifties.

I have a question though. Do you think your contentment with a quiet life, on the one hand, is balanced out by your famous, interesting life on the other (two lives running in parallel)?

Aruna51 Sun 19-Apr-15 08:57:28

Do you think your contentment with a quiet life, on the one hand, is balanced out by your famous, interesting life on the other (two lives running in parallel)?

No. I really don't care for the public life. But I do enjoy writing, always did -- it goes with my introverted personality, I guess. I much prefer writing to talking. And I do have financial issues, as I mentioned before. I will have a very small pension in two years time and it would be wonderful to have a few successful books making money for me, so that's what I hope to do: make money from my hobby!

However, in this day and age it's very hard to get a book noticed because there are simply so many of them. So I do play the author game to a certain extent, which may mean book signings, talks etc.

I could drop that kind of life --- well like the proverbial hat! I would say there is more a dichotomy than a balance. But the private life is the real one. The public one is more of a duty. I don't enjoy public appearances at all. I am still basically that shy little girls who trembles whenever called upon to say something publicly! But learning to do it in spite of my dislike has been part of the journey. I just do it when it's called for and don't think about it. Meditation helps!

And really, I am not at ALL famous. Not in Europe at any rate. A little bit in Guyana but that is a tiny country and it's easy to make a name there. Big fish in a small pond and all that!

jinglbellsfrocks Sun 19-Apr-15 09:26:18

Aruna51, thank you for your advice on how to meditate. If I ever feel the need to have a go, I will approach the subject in a much more serious manner.

jinglbellsfrocks Sun 19-Apr-15 09:28:03

You are certainly getting your money's worth out of your blog. I think this is the first time any blog turned into a Q and A with the GNrs.

jinglbellsfrocks Sun 19-Apr-15 09:29:23

(You don't actually come across as being exactly quiet grin)

Aruna51 Sun 19-Apr-15 09:32:04

jinglbellsfrocks, I know your comment is sarcastic but I still hope that one day you'll take it up. It literally turned my life around! And a lovely Sunday to you.

Aruna51 Sun 19-Apr-15 09:34:58

As for being quiet: you should see me at lunchtime in the hospital canteen! I never say a word and everyone else is chatting 19 to the dozen! But I am a writer, I like to write, I love to write, and I love that writing is such a very QUIET occupation! Especially since no-one is forced to read what I've written.

soontobe Sun 19-Apr-15 09:39:59

Are you good at one to one chats? Just being inquisitive really.

soontobe Sun 19-Apr-15 09:41:00

Will you consider being a regular gransnet contributor?

ffinnochio Sun 19-Apr-15 09:53:09

Well, I completely get you Aruna51. Wishing you every success with your books.

jinglbellsfrocks Sun 19-Apr-15 09:58:32

Oh for flip's sake! Why do you hope I will take up meditation?! Totally confused

I wish you a happy Sunday too. And a quiet one. hmm

Aruna51 Sun 19-Apr-15 10:12:43

@soontobe I'm good at one to one conversations with someone I feel close to. I'm not good at arguing! And I would love to be a regular gransnet contributor. I had never heard of this site before and loved it at first site!

@thank you ffinnochio

@jinglbellsfrocks, just teasing! But then again, why not! wink

appygran Sun 19-Apr-15 10:19:42

Your blog resonated with me and I totally get you too Sharon. Enjoy the real adventure.

Parcs Sun 19-Apr-15 18:41:45

jingles you are so funny lol, but what you say is always very true

Good for her if she has it sussed, maybe we should read her book, we might learn something.

Parcs Sun 19-Apr-15 18:42:48

jingles you are so funny lol, but what you say is always very true

Good for her if she has it sussed, maybe we should read her book, we might learn something.

Leticia Mon 20-Apr-15 09:58:09

I don't like the thought of growing old gracefully.

At the moment I am doing all the physical challenges - knowing that I don't have that many years to continue running, walking 10 miles etc.

I hope to emulate a friend of a friend who was camping out on a mountain to see the sun rise at the age of 84yrs.

Once I get past that I can't see why it should be any different- I have always been a great reader and liked solitude.

Jenny Joseph's poem 'When I am old I shall wear purple' holds far more appeal for me.

FlicketyB Mon 20-Apr-15 12:56:58

I really do not understand what is so special about being old and why people keep going on about it. The only thing I am aware of is that the longer people have been around the more diverse we become.

On a family basis some Gn-ers, still have children at home, others the same age are Great Grandmothers. Some are glad to be beige, give up make-up, take life easier, others are choosing to be more active go off traveling. O

Others, and I am among them, have always had busy lives mixing work, family and personal interests and the only effect reaching my sixties had on me was that work stopped and I had a regular pension income so had more time to take on more outside interests and activities.

Apart from the work/pension element I am still leading life much as I did 20, 30 or possibly 40 years ago. I am not invisible and I have never had any reason to think anyone was ignoring me because of my age. I think we should all stop obsessing about our age and just lead the lives we choose to lead in the way we want to lead them.

Leticia Mon 20-Apr-15 17:33:08

Well said,Flickety.
My life is no different except that I have far more freedom to do as I want. I am not restricted by paid employment or children. It is all very exciting!
I don't feel any different and can't see me feeling old in the near future.

FlicketyB Tue 21-Apr-15 09:56:39

Leticia Precisely, my father live until he was 92. At that age he was still involved in running several community groups, living independently and leading the same life he had lived since retirement and before. Age didn't come into it.

thatbags Tue 21-Apr-15 11:22:17

My mother will be 86 in June. She's as sharp witted as ever but slower, much slower, physically. I'm slower than I was too and I'm not yet 60. Age most certainly does come into it.

thatbags Tue 21-Apr-15 11:23:27

It's nothing to be ashamed of though.

Leticia Tue 21-Apr-15 19:02:07

Age is just a number though and you can't predict how you are going to be.
I am making the most of it while I can.

thatbags Tue 21-Apr-15 21:26:04

Oh, me too, but my age is not irrelevant to what I do, what I want to do, or what I'm able to do, and I don't believe it is for most people. Other things being equal, age needn't stop you doing whatever, but quite often (more often than not I suspect) because of age 'other things' are not always equal because it's age, whatever age, be it ten or or thirty or fifty or seventy, etc, that makes 'other things' different.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 21-Apr-15 21:47:58

Oh - it's not just a number! Believe me.

petallus Tue 21-Apr-15 22:04:52

thatbags I read your post three times before I understood what you were saying and then decided I agreed with you.

You blinded me with science a bit there!