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What books have you read twice?

(266 Posts)
whenim64 Mon 13-May-13 10:06:53

I occasionally read books that I have enjoyed, again - years later. When I go back to them, I find that I have missed lots of enjoyable passages and interesting use of language in the pursuit of frantic page-turning to see what happens next.

I'm enjoying To Kill A Mocking Bird at the moment. I remember reading the story in the 80s, and have seen the film, with Gregory Peck as Atticus. This time, the book is coming alive in a deeper, richer way than when I first read it.

Any books that you would recommend from reading twice?

Flowerofthewest Tue 14-May-13 08:49:45

White Swans, was transported to China and couldn't put the book down.

Any Hamish MacBeth, very easy reading and amusing

Thats's Not My Truck!!!!

Flowerofthewest Tue 14-May-13 08:50:31


HappyNanna Tue 14-May-13 09:05:01

Have reread all the John Grisham books

Ariadne Tue 14-May-13 09:12:59

flower oh yes, I have read that one a lot too - another book that opens one's eyes.

Nelliemoser Tue 14-May-13 09:29:11

Wild Swans is still one of my favourites. It's not a happy yarn but the depth of understanding it gives to China's recent history is amazing.
My then teenage DS stayed up half the night not able to put that one down.
Historical factual and totally engrossing; the sign of very good writing.

Books I have read before? Those I have already had out of the library and only about half way through realise I have read before.

HildaW Tue 14-May-13 11:47:51

Nellie, agree with you about Wild Swans, its quite an emotional ride yet satisfying in its way - there is a sort of resolution and you feel at peace with it. I loaned my copy (always silly) never got it back and can't remember who had it!

nanaej Tue 14-May-13 12:14:11

Silas Marner by George Eliot and Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy!!

Maniac Tue 14-May-13 12:14:52

'The Bean Trees' and 'Pigs in Heaven' by Barbara Kingsolver.
I'd read them again but I've lent them and can't track them down.

Grannyeggs Tue 14-May-13 12:30:47

Oliver Twiist David Copperfield, Jane Eyre, Rebecca, To Kill a Mockingbird and many more. There are just some books that are like old friends and you want to visit them, time and time again.

nonnasusie Tue 14-May-13 13:35:16

I have recently re-read all the "Herries" books by Hugh Walpole and Howard Springs "Shabby Tiger" & "Rachel Rosing". I have all the Poldark novels lined up to read again next!!

FlicketyB Tue 14-May-13 22:18:44

I almost always read books more than once, unless they are so harrowing I cannot face another read, 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' and 'Schindler's List' fall in that category. Or I found the characters/plot so irritating I couldn't face reading them twice, both Madame Bovary, Wuthering Heights fall in that category

Authors I read again and again and again include Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte, Anthony Trollope, Georgette Heyer, John Buchan, and Dorothy Sayers.

broomsticks Thu 16-May-13 14:09:57

Flickety B I'm glad you said that about Madame Bovary, I hate it with a passion!
I read everything I like twice or any number of times actually.

Grannylin Thu 16-May-13 14:55:45

Yes! no fan of Madame Bovary, especially when we had to study it in French- so tedious.Have re read Silas Marner and love the image of the child with the golden curls - it's my grandson! I love Thomas Hardy too.

HildaW Thu 16-May-13 16:06:51

Flickety, nice to see another Lord Peter Wimsey fan!

numberplease Thu 16-May-13 16:48:24

Sorry, but I remember giving Lord Peter Wimsey a go years ago, found him very boring.

Nonny Thu 16-May-13 17:10:47

James Woodforde: the Diary of a Country Parson,
The Barchester and Palliser novels by Anthony Trollope
The Diaries of Samuel Pepys
The Old Wives Tale and the Grim Smile of the Five Towns by Arnold Bennett

Aka Thu 16-May-13 17:26:24

I've read the Three Billy Goats Gruff hundreds of times. One day I'm going to change the ending and let that troll gobble up Big Billy Goat. I think they're cheating anyway and taking advantage of something with obvious learning disabilities. And as far as Little Red Riding Hood goes, if the wolf did eat her up then that would be a lesson in not talking to strangers. Finally Goldilocks ought to be charged with Breaking and Entering (though not necessarily in that order) and electronically tagged.

KatyK Thu 16-May-13 18:02:31

I have read Angela's Ashes by Frank Mccourt a few times. It is a very harrowing account of Frank's poverty stricken childhood in Ireland. My own childhood was not dissimilar although not quite as bad as his, so I totally related to it.

HildaW Thu 16-May-13 18:36:18

numberplease....don't is all rather quaint and old me!

numberplease Thu 16-May-13 20:49:10

Years ago, I read The Enormous Turnip, and Tess and the Magician endless times over to 2 of my grandchildren, they were their favourite stories.

broomsticks Thu 16-May-13 21:05:51

I reread Terry Pratchett books a lot, particularly at bed time.

The Musician's of Bremen and the Fierce Bad Rabbit were the ones I had to read to children every night for about a hundred years.

Ariadne Thu 16-May-13 21:28:13

aka grin

Teta Sat 18-May-13 09:12:54

I love re-reading favourite books - it's like putting an old, warm, much-loved cardy on! I've been re-reading Alice in Wonderland ever since I was a child, also Lord of the Rings at regular intervals. However, the books of Barbara Pym are the ones I turn to whenever I need cheering up, those and Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.

annodomini Sat 18-May-13 09:52:39

The Hobbit and The Wind in the Willows, several times with my DSs. Likewise the Elephant and the Bad Baby! I have taught 'Mockingbird' a number of times so obviously had to re-read it, and would never tire of it. I hope the same could be said of my students. Likewise Jane Eyre. I resort to Jane Austen in times of stress, particularly Persuasion. But there are so many new books to read...

Atqui Sat 18-May-13 10:08:39

I reread Wuthering Heights after watching the recent film ,which I did not like-felt I had to recapture the story as it was written.