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Books/book club

Clarissa Dickson Wright

(9 Posts)
Marmight Wed 17-May-17 23:19:24

I met her once at a small cookery demonstration/book 'push' at a venison farm. She was not an approachable or particularly pleasant individual whereas Marguerite Patten, who was also there, was the complete opposite - delightful, charming and more than happy to chat. Says it all really hmm

wot Wed 17-May-17 19:10:24

Kitty, ?

kittylester Wed 17-May-17 17:09:51

We saw her at a food show and followed her into the hall. Her coat was filthy and her hair unbrushed - I don't think I'd have liked to eat anything she'd cooked.

wot Wed 17-May-17 16:55:07

She looks so unwholesome.

gillybob Wed 17-May-17 13:20:32

I read it when it first came out too merlot and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wonder if there's anything different in the "new" version?

merlotgran Wed 17-May-17 12:54:41

I read it when it first came out and found it fascinating and well written but you do have to scratch your head and raise your eyebrows over why on earth the BBC commissioned her and equally hard drinking (and smoking) Jennifer Paterson. CDW was a recovering alcoholic by that time but I doubt a partnership like theirs would exist today.

At the time I thought them great characters and a refreshing change to Delia et al.

paddyann Wed 17-May-17 12:43:53

met her once she was an obnoxious woman .

grannylyn65 Wed 17-May-17 12:41:14

It's possible to live a semi normal life through drinking. Not to be recommended though.

jollyg Wed 17-May-17 12:28:47

At present I am reading a NEW copy of h er book Spilling the Beans'

What a waste of a life through the drink.

Mind you the family was disfunctional, but brilliant. It is fascinating.

I get my s/h paperbacks at Tescos where one member had a lifetime medical condition.

The book shelves takings went straight to the charity, I hope he/she was not one of the overpaid.

I would never before thought CDW would prove so interesting and so well written