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Rachel’s Holiday by Marion Keyes

(5 Posts)
Susie42 Fri 15-Apr-22 16:57:35

This was recommended by several friends as a great read but I didn’t like it and, in fact, couldn’t be bothered to even try to finish it. I felt the same about Bridget Jones’ Diary as I found the characters silly, immature, and unbelievable.

foxie48 Fri 15-Apr-22 17:35:25

She's enjoyed by lots of people but writes "chick lit" which may not be your sort of read. I read it on holiday wanting something light and easy. I'd never describe it as great literature but she writes with humour and having gone through rehab herself, she has some knowledge. However, for anyone wanting to know something about the consequences of addiction Shuggie Bain is well worth reading.

AuntieEleanorsCat Tue 31-May-22 08:15:47

I liked them when I was much (much) younger.

Not for the 60yr old me.

Nannee49 Tue 31-May-22 10:38:25

I used to like Marion Keyes but continual descriptions of characters who were supposed to be so broke they couldn't afford to eat yet magically found the wherewithal to jet off to America just started to get on my nerves and made me look at her books with irritation.

GrannyGravy13 Tue 31-May-22 10:48:15

I have got Again Rachel (the latest book by MK) on my kindle, will read it on holiday.

I read The Break by MK before lockdown and enjoyed it.