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Critcisms about how foreign aid is shared out

(27 Posts)
thatbags Fri 09-Dec-16 08:01:13

There is criticism in the news about how the government CDC Group, which distributes tax-payer funded foreign aid, is investing taxpayers' money. The criticism is that too many investments are for 'luxury' rather than for basics such as clean water supply and schools.

Or, as a Times leader subheading puts it: "Public funds and private equity have been combined in an effort to put British overseas aid on a commercial basis. The result will not inspire taxpayers’ trust".

What do other gransnetters think?

Anya Sun 11-Dec-16 09:48:54

In RL if someone makes a comment which is, just as an example, racist, then often people will let it go and say nothing. That doesn't mean to say they didn't find the comment distasteful and that the person saying it has gone down in their estimation.

On forums it is quite likely that someone will pick up on a remark and express their true feelings. Is this being rude or honest?

just sayimg