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Live webchat with Miriam Stoppard 22 September 1-2pm

(59 Posts)
GeraldineGransnet (GNHQ) Fri 02-Sep-11 10:56:15

Dr Miriam Stoppard, women's health expert, childcare guru and author of Grandparents: Enjoying and Caring for your Grandchild, will be coming into Gransnet for a live webchat on September 22. She'll be answering questions on changing medical advice with regard to childcare, her views on how to be adored by your grandchildren and your children, women's health and anything else we want to ask. So add your questions here.

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 13:16:40


Do you have advice,comments for grandparents denied contact with their grandchildren.

Hi Maniac,

My heart goes out to you. I'm not sure that I could handle having no contact with my own grandchildren, and I have to say that the knowledge that my children and children-in-law could exercise that option is one of the things that makes me try really hard to be a granny who'll be made welcome.

But take heart. As long as you keep your presence in your grandchildren's lives, there will come a point when, around 10-11-12, they will vote with their feet, they will get in touch with you. You can keep your presence in their lives with letters, postcards, birthday wishes, little presents, texts, emails and phone calls if these are possible, and by, what I call 'little waves', something such as a message saying 'I'm thinking about you and I love you'.

I don't know your family circumstances, but try to be as imaginative as you can about tiny ways in which you could give them a 'little wave'. You could also stay in touch with a friend of the family who will keep you up to date with their progress.

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 13:11:58


With a 2 year old grandchild and doing quite a lot of childcare the question of discipline is coming up for me too so I second the question put above by Lizh....precisely what I need help with.

Hi Pey,
I have eleven grandchildren, amongst five sets of parents, and to my mind, they are all better parents than I was, so, as a grandparent, I would hesitate to criticise them, even if they weren’t doing things the way I had done them, especially in the area of discipline – a word which I hate.

Discipline has punitive overtones and I had punitive parents. My mother believed in ‘Spare the rod, and spoil the child’, and I was beaten for misdemeanours. That only made me promise that I would never use physical punishment on my children. I am against smacking and would be shocked if any of my children smacked my grandchildren.

Many children are punished by being sent to their room, which I also think is wrong. Punishment shouldn’t isolate a child. A child should be near you, so that they can apologise. I have also learnt from my own kids ‘the naughty step’ approach, and I really applaud it. I only wish I had known about it when I was bringing up my own kids.

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 13:10:37


Hi Miriam, Many thanks for coming onto Gransnet!

My question is about menopause - Should you expect your libido to change (ie. get weaker) after the menopause? Is there anything you can do about it if it does?

Hi goodenoughgran,

Not necessarily. It varies from woman to woman, one of the main factors being vaginal dryness which would put any woman off. On that particular subject, there are all sorts of ways to overcome it. You can use a lubricating jelly and there's a hormonal vaginal cream that you can get on prescription from your doctor that you place inside your vagina that will keep it as well lubricated as a 30-year-old!

There are some women who have an increased libido after the menopause due to psychological and hormonal factors. Without estrogen, the male hormone that we produce (yes, we do, just like men!) and which is responsible for your sex drive, has full rein. But I suppose more than half of women would experience a loss of sex drive.

What will help enormously is talking frankly to your partner and see if there are ways in which you can modify your sex lives to help you. I think it's worth also chatting it over with your doctor, because you may be suitable for HRT, which can help.

flopsybunny Thu 22-Sep-11 13:10:26

Miriam, I understand you are a step granny as well. I have two "blood" grandchildren and two step grandchildren, and try as I might, I can't feel the same about the step grandchildren. Is this normal?

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 13:05:50


This is for Dr Miriam Stoppard:
There has been recent publicity about the lack of discipline our children are providing for their children. ie we provided a lot more discipline in our day!
Do you think this is because most mothers are now working and the day to day care is shared amongst a number of carers. Are the children confused as to who is in charge? Is everyone trying to be too careful with them as their time together is relatively short? And as grandparents, if we provide the discipline that we gave to our own children, will they still love us?!

Hi Liz,

I saw this recent publicity too that came from a survey done of grandparents about how their children were bringing up their grandchildren. There were lots of comments about the lack of discipline showed by today’s parents, and the fact that they seemed frightened to say no to their children and impose the kind of ground rule we used to use when we were bringing up our children. My response to this was, twas ever thus.

Every generation seems to think that the younger generation is going to the dogs. Grandparents have criticised Mums and dads about the way they bring up children. My Mum did with me, and frankly, I didn’t do what she said. I pointed out that every parent has the right to bring up their children the way they want to, unless the children are coming to harm, and I said that I would not follow the way she had disciplined me.

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 13:04:47

Hello everyone, I'm here to answer your questions as best I can, and look forward to reading them.

goodenoughgran Thu 22-Sep-11 13:03:10

Hi Miriam, Many thanks for coming onto Gransnet!

My question is about menopause - Should you expect your libido to change (ie. get weaker) after the menopause? Is there anything you can do about it if it does?

GeraldineGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 22-Sep-11 12:59:38

Hello everyone, we're delighted that Dr Miriam Stoppard is now here at GNHQ for her live webchat, and getting ready to answer questions - so fire away!

glassortwo Thu 22-Sep-11 12:56:31

Dr Miriam how do you stand on giving a baby drinks of water, my DIL would not give her last child water as she said that it was not needed now as the formula had everything a baby needed, when my childern were babys, I always gave a little water?

MiriamStoppard Thu 22-Sep-11 12:55:05


Dr Miriam Stoppard, women's health expert, childcare guru and author of Grandparents: Enjoying and Caring for your Grandchild, will be coming into Gransnet for a live webchat on September 22. She'll be answering questions on changing medical advice with regard to childcare, her views on how to be adored by your grandchildren and your children, women's health and anything else we want to ask. So add your questions here.

Testing, testing 123

northerngran Thu 22-Sep-11 12:49:17

So much seems to have changed since my own children were small. Things my daughter has been told to do seem to be the absolute opposite of what we all did in our day. I'd rather like to make sure I'm up to date on things so I don't spend my life driving her mad by saying "we didn't do it like that". Other than putting babies to sleep on their backs what are the main things that have changed over the last 30 years?

NanaSusie Thu 22-Sep-11 12:49:13

My daughter is exhausted - her 16 month old son wakes continually during the night - usually just for a drink or a cuddle - but he never seems to when he stays over at my house or his other granny's. She's taking it personally! We've suggested too hot, too cold, too light etc but nothing she does seems to make any difference. Incidently, she was just the same until she was around 2, but as she never stayed over with anyone else, we didn't have the comparison to make. Any ideas?

rosiemus Thu 22-Sep-11 12:46:55

I would love to ask Dr Miriam about night terrors and how to deal with them. Is it best to wake the child up when they are distressed then comfort them or should we try to calm them down while still asleep? Thank you

Twobabes Thu 22-Sep-11 12:41:53

A question to Miriam about how things change - or do they?
Bringing up my ch'n, born in the late 70s, your advice and attitudes matched the way I hoped to do things and it was important to me that you were going through it all yourself with your boys. I recently found a copy of your childcare book written at that time and still love the practical advice and the acceptance that there is not an easy answer for everything! It all still sounds so very sensible. What would you say or do differently today? PS Have given the book to my daughter who wishes she'd had it when her first was born! Thank you from us both.

MaggieP Thu 22-Sep-11 12:29:18

My question to Dr Miriam
My grandson is 4 1/2, cheerful, bright and delightful, he is a very heavy sleeper (as is his Mum) so although totally dry all day for last year and a half he still has a night nappy and is usually wet every morning .
His parents are relaxed and have not made any comments or pressure on him, he now is at school but settling well. When should this perhaps resolve and help needed?
Grandparents have not got involved either!
Many thanks for your thoughts.

TashaandRiver Thu 22-Sep-11 11:23:41

My question dovetails with that of Iola, namely that our 21/2 year old grand-daughter lives in Canada, and we see her four times a year. On her last visit to us in July, she started saying 'Don't want Grandma' whenever I came into the room. I decided to deal with it by turning it into a game, and saying, whilst making a funny face, 'Don't want Tasha', at which she laughed and said again 'Don't want Grandma..' I realised that is not the result I want to achieve, and am now flummoxed as to how to deal with it, when I see her again in October. I know she is only a very little girl, and I am the reasonably empathetic adult (retired psychotherapist!), but it still hurts, as I naturally want to build a warm relationship with her, which my son and daughter-in-law are extremely keen to encourage. She doesn't do the same with my husband. There is a new, 5 month old baby sister, whom she runs to and puts her arms around, saying, with a very baleful look at me: 'She's my baby'.

Any help would be very much appreciated, Miriam, and greetings from Tarn et Garonne!

coastwallker Thu 22-Sep-11 10:54:01

This is such a small thing compared to the other problems people have highlighted but I am finding some of the changes in advice a bit odd. My little grandson, who is nearly 4 months, sleeps just under a blanket. He seems warm enough and is sleeping through the night nearly but I can't help feeling he is missing out on being snuggled and cosy. His cot looks so bare and uncomfortable with a quilt or something to burrow into. And sleeping at the bottom of the cot? Where did that come from!

And just generally - I had no idea it would be so hard to not say what I think all the time. But I am managing most of the time and the little man is thriving and happy and my daughter is loving being a mum, so I guess that is what matters.

GeraldineGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 22-Sep-11 10:41:12

For everyone's info, this is the original post from afar on the other thread:

When your adult kids had their baby/ies and came to visit you, did you expect to be the only one holding, feeding and comforting him/her, to the exclusion of everybody else and the parents? If the mom or dad went to pick up baby when crying did you feel slighted? If someone else like a cousin or aunt ask the mom if they could feed or hold baby, did you go and take baby from them because granny has more rights than everyone else?I'm trying to deal with issues I've had with MIL and need to get a feel for what grannies think...

Gally Thu 22-Sep-11 10:19:04

Miriam - another one!
There is a question on 'What do Grans Think' this morning from Afar who has a big problem with her mother-in-law monopolising the baby. We have all put in our two-pennyworth but what advice would you, the professional, give to Afar?

AnnB Wed 21-Sep-11 17:40:26

Miriam - my youngest grandchild is just six months old and oldest just over two, and the third is ten months old. We look after them for the day regularly. The six month old baby is usually on her own and the other two come together. I would welcome advice on nutrition and food suggestions. Both sets of parents are into baby led weaning so we can be a bit adventurous, but are there any types of food or vitamins, minerals etc that we should ensure they experience? Every time we get a book on catering for babies and toddlers, it is all about what to cook with them rather than what they need and benefit from, is there any reading material that would help? Many thanks. AnnB

Gally Fri 16-Sep-11 16:14:47

Hello Miriam : a couple of questions.
My daughter's 8 week old son feeds almost every 2-3 hours during the day and only manages 3-4 hours sleep at night before waking for another feed. Is this normal for a baby of this age - poor Mum is exhausted, particularly when coping with a wakeful 17 month old as well. The baby is turning into a huge rolypoly -bw 7lbs and now a wopping 15.9lbs

What is your view on 'controlled' crying?

Maniac Fri 16-Sep-11 14:53:47

Do you have advice,comments for grandparents denied contact with their grandchildren.

duckysnan Fri 16-Sep-11 11:49:43

i have a large breast lump a fybodemia? is quite painful but i have had it for at least fourteen years..maybe six before that...i am not allowed to have an aspiration and breast scan....without first having a mammogran. i won't have a mammogran any more as it is just too painful..i was at a teaching hospital for a good few years..then the Proffesor moved and the system was changed...and i was thrown local hospital suggested it was removed...
all i want is an aspiration every two years and a breast scan...but they have said...i have to have a mammogram first! they will not do the others...your advice would be most welcome.

beeble Tue 13-Sep-11 12:12:41

PS - am I allowed to follow my very first post up with another in quick succession? On the same topic of do we stop her buying our son presents all the time? We have politely said that we don't want him to expect a gift on every visit and that birthday/Christmas is enough - perhaps with the occasional small treat. She is not well off at all so this makes it harder. When it does come to birthday etc - she wants to buy loads of stuff (which she can't afford). His other grandparents just buy him one thing (max value £20 often less) but it's always chosen very carefully and is without fail the most popular present of all but we don't seem to be able to get through to her that spending money really isn't necessary and we want her to keep what she has for essentials for herself

Many thanks

beeble Tue 13-Sep-11 12:05:36

I'm a mum who sometimes feels stuck in the middle managing my son's relationship with two very different grandmothers and would love some advice on how to deal with this. My mum is very easygoing (but firm and good with discipline) and deals with my son (4) exactly as she did with me and my sister when we were young. This works brilliantly for all of us and the two of them have an amazing relationship.

With my MIL it's a little more tricky. She is very kind hearted and means well - but can be difficult (OH is the first to acknowledge this as are his siblings). I think although her heart is very much in the right place everything is about her and I've seen her using emotional blackmail and even a pouting bottom lip on my son when he was as young as 2. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I (we) don't think it's fair to behave like this

Any suggestions would be very welcome as we want our son to have a happy relationship with both his grannies