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(29 Posts)
Benina Mon 05-Dec-11 20:12:17

Whilst sitting in the snooker room at our village hall, waiting to go on stage to perform in The Panto (had to get that bit in - it was an excellent panto!) we were chatting about this and that and I said "Does anyone ever hear someone whistling these days?" No. But we all remembered when we did - one person said their postman always did - but not now. Another remembered workmen on building sites and digging up the road, whistling (and not just wolf whistles), I remember the porters and guards at Eastbourne railway station always were whistling (in the '50s and early '60s). And the technique, the musicality was wonderful. It was a lovely sound.

Why doesn't any one whistle now? And was it only men?

yogagran Sun 11-Dec-11 14:05:07

Why is it that I can't whistle first thing in the morning to get the dog back from the garden but for the rest of the day it's no problem. Lips just don't seem to form the right shape till they've woken up

dahlia Sun 11-Dec-11 17:13:46

Unfortunately, I have a bad whistling habit and as a result have lines around my lips although I have never smoked a single cigarette. I realise it can be annoying to other people, so when at work I used to try and control myself. Had a colleague, however, of about the same age who used to hum tunelessly - drove the rest of us a little mad, but she was such a sweetheart, we never said anything. Could have done with cheese for ear plugs as in "Ello, Ello"!

apricot Sun 11-Dec-11 21:09:47

I can't whistle but my mother was a wonderful whistler, perfectly in tune, complete with dynamics and twiddley ornaments. She sang beautifully too until the day my father died then never whistled or sang another note during 30 years of widowhood.
Wish I could whistle!