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I'm new

(46 Posts)
Minder Fri 03-May-13 17:34:11

I used to live in Cheshunt, Herts which was close to Barnet - ish.

I'm in exciting East Anglia too Nonu.

Charleygirl Thu 02-May-13 18:15:29

I live in Harrow, not a million miles away.

gillybob Thu 02-May-13 17:41:16

Helloooooooo aura and danielr welcome to the crazy world of Gransnet. smile

ninathenana Thu 02-May-13 17:31:12

Not a good idea to put your e-mail for all to see.

Nonu Thu 02-May-13 17:16:05

Phoenix , perhaps he just wants some new mates .?

As I live in exciting East Anglia , not a lot of help .


Elegran Thu 02-May-13 17:05:51

He has started another thread about a campaign to end loneliness in Barnet.

Anne58 Thu 02-May-13 16:50:38

Interested in what, exactly? confused

danielrwalsh Thu 02-May-13 16:46:08

I too live in the London Borough of Barnet. Edgware to be precise. My email address is [email protected]. Please do get in contact if you are interested.



kittylester Wed 27-Feb-13 21:36:24

Welcome aura. I'm in Leicestershire but we all meet on here to chat so it doesn't really matter where we live. There are occasional meet ups organised though. Or you can join people in Lil's Bar - but beware. smile

Forzanonna Wed 27-Feb-13 21:26:13

Hi aura - sorry - I'm in Scotland but welcome anyway smile

glammanana Wed 27-Feb-13 18:52:19

Welcome to Gransnet aura enjoy posting and joining in the conversations.

Ariadne Wed 27-Feb-13 18:51:17

aura there isn't a list of where people live, though there are several threads about where people live. Try searching (on the right).

To get your name in blue you have to follow the whole registration bit OK, I can't remember, but I bet everyone else can. You just watch,*aura*, the advice will start flooding in!

tanith Wed 27-Feb-13 18:51:17

Hi aura I'm in Ealing so not too far away... welcome.... to 'blue' your name so your profile is visible to other gransnetters , go to your profile and you can click on 'make yourself visible to all gransnetters..
If you want to see where someone is from as long as they are 'blued' you can look at their profile..

merlotgran Wed 27-Feb-13 18:48:57

Go to My Gransnet and fill in your profile, aura. I think that's how it works hmm

Welcome to Gransnet smile

aura Wed 27-Feb-13 18:44:47

Also how do I get my name in blue?

nanaej Wed 27-Feb-13 18:44:35

Hi Aura good to meet you.. I am south of M25 so not very close! Hope you enjoy gransnet.

aura Wed 27-Feb-13 18:43:27

How do you find out Ariadne where people are from?

feetlebaum Wed 27-Feb-13 18:43:24

What ho, aura! My family seat (!) isn't a million kilometres from Barnet - in New Southgate. But I no longer live there!

harrigran Wed 27-Feb-13 18:41:24

Welcome aura we are a very friendly group. Sorry I am at the other end of the country but there is bound to be someone closer.

Ariadne Wed 27-Feb-13 18:40:37

Hello! There are a few Saga people kicking about here - keep your eyes open, or try a search?

aura Wed 27-Feb-13 18:33:52

Hi everyone,
I'm new and want to say hello. I'm a refugee from Sagazone which closed down today. Are there any members who live near Barnet Herts?