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I Love Trees

(38 Posts)
numberplease Tue 05-Mar-13 15:35:46

Will you take it with you when you leave there Soop?

soop Tue 05-Mar-13 13:50:48

My father would often recite a poem written by Joyce Kilmer...

'I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree...'

My son gave us a Ginko biloba when we planted the garden. It is very slow growing but one of the most ancient species of trees to survive. smile

j08 Tue 05-Mar-13 13:30:21

Walnut trees are a bu trial to get out if you don't spot them soon enough. #thankssquirrel

whenim64 Tue 05-Mar-13 13:24:48

I'm lucky to live in a tiny lane that was once a path through woods, so I'm surrounded by trees, much of which is ancient woodland. My front path diverts around a massive Englsh oak, and there are several more oaks lining the lane, leading into parkland. In the spring, when the trees come into leaf, it's heavenly. In the autumn, the squirrels hide acorns all around my garden, so I'm forever pulling out tiny saplings that are in the wong place. In the summer, the dappled light is so relaxing to sit in. I just wish winter was a bit shorter.

I do get lots of leaves falling into the bonnet of my car, too much bird poo from jays, wood pigeons and magpies, and I could never have a Sky sattelite dish, but so what? grin My next door neighbour doesn't like spiders' webs reaching from branch to garden gate, but I love to see them.

Best if all is the tawny owls calling through the wood when I'm reaing in bed late at night. Blissful! smile

annodomini Tue 05-Mar-13 13:02:10

I too love trees and have some lovely ones in my garden, but at present some of them are making me wheeze. sad

Bez Tue 05-Mar-13 12:59:37

We too love trees and have a variety in our garden. Since yesterday morning we have had a very strong wind and during the night a huge bough has split from a pine tree near our front boundary. It fortunately did not block the road - just made it a bit narrower. So we have spent the morning cutting the smaller branches off and working up to the split and not letting it all fall and totally ruin the fence too. Looks like we managed that and we hope the tree will survive.
Our world would be a very different place with no trees to feast our eyes on.

Joan Tue 05-Mar-13 12:12:27

I love trees - my garden has so many, mostly planted by me. There are some in the old farm down the back, and up the street at the front. When grevillias are in bloom we get lots of parrots and lorikeets and various nectar-eaters.

We once moved into a house where there was a huge lizard living in a palm tree - the kids loved it. We had a big mulberry tree that drooped over the carport tin roof. Mulberries would fall on the roof, and ferment in puddles in dips in the surface, then birds would eat them and get drunk.

numberplease Tue 05-Mar-13 12:05:09

I love trees as well, as long as I don`t have to live too near to them, because to me, trees mean insects, usually wasps, and I hate creepy crawlies and most insects, TERRIFIED of wasps, so, trees at a distance preferably.

Jadey Tue 05-Mar-13 11:18:58

I love trees too, so beautiful they are.

POGS Tue 05-Mar-13 10:52:44


Obviously I love trees but I love to see your neck of the woods when the rhododendrons are in flower. Along the road at Wareham, if I am not mistaken, is just so beautiful isn't it. smile

FlicketyB Tue 05-Mar-13 09:47:46

I love trees. I have been fortunate to always to be in a position where a view of trees has been a requirement for any house we bought, not necessarily in our garden or in woodland, but in the road or other peoples garden's

I now live in a village with a tree lined road at the front and a host of trees, in our garden, our neighbours gardens and on railway land at the back forming a green and bosky frame for our back garden. When my bathroom was refitted recently I positioned the bath so that I could look out of the window at the trees in and around my garden. When we moved here I even had all the frosted glass in the window replaced with clear so that the greenery in the garden, could be enjoyed when in the bathroom.

Although pollarding is now done in towns for decorative purposes, the technique has existed for thousand of years. Like coppicing it enables farmers to cultivate the long straight whips and branches needed for all kinds of constructional and agricultural uses but, in woods where cattle and pigs grazed, at a height where the new growth is safe from browsing animals.

j08 Tue 05-Mar-13 09:29:23

I saved a tree once.

A builder was going to cut it down because it was on his fence line. Heard the chainsaw start up, rushed out, rang the council, harangued the builder till the lady from the planning department arrived. Tree still there.

Like this fencefencefencetreefencefencefence


dorsetpennt Tue 05-Mar-13 09:22:06

I live in an 'avenue' which as the name implies is a road lined with trees. Sounds nice. Its an almost an avenue as the local Council keeps pollarding the trees. I agree that there must be some management of the trees so that they don't block the road or scratch cars - not my reasoning by the way - it's nearly spring and there are bunch of guys outside hell-bent on attacking the tree outside my house.
This seaside town is known for it's pines and tree lined roads - one of the reasons I live here. Yet I've had a few battles with neighbours who have wanted to chop down the trees in the back. One actually said she hated trees - why move here then? say I. It's fine to trim back the lower branches but they don't block out the sun and we have a wealth of birds etc because of them. If you must trim get a bona fide tree surgeon who knows what he's doing. I managed to get a tree lover from our local council to list our trees ,so that now the tree haters have to ask for permission and trim properly.
My idea of hell is to live on one of those treeless estates that proliferate on the outskirts of many towns and cities.