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The weather today !

(28 Posts)
jinglbellsfrocks Tue 19-May-15 18:40:09

I'm in Berkshire so not far from you.

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 19-May-15 18:39:15

We've had the lot too. Sudden showers after a bit of sun. Really heavy hail - which bashed down the pansies I only bought at the weekend. The sun was lovely and warm when it was out though. Supposed to get a bit better as the week goes on. Fingers crossed.

Sheena Tue 19-May-15 18:35:44

Well I think we have had just about all types of weather here in my part of Surrey...all but snow !!

We've had sunshine, the never-ending wind, rain, hail (and lots of it! ), thunder and lightening.

We're almost half way through the year and still getting days as bad as winter. Mind you, when it does get hot..I'll be the first to moan grin...don't like it hot...don't like it cold,.....don't like it windy (it makes my nose and eyes run ), in fact there isn't really just the right type of weather just for me....

How has the weather been for you today wink ?