Gransnet forums


Privacy of Gransnet

(42 Posts)
Bobbysgirl19 Mon 17-Apr-17 11:25:11

Call me naiive, but I have just realised that anyone can come on here and read the posts without having joined. You only need to join if you want to add a post seemingly.
Thought It was worth a mention (so please don't shoot the messenger) lol, and,I am sure most of you already know this.

A number of other sites I have visited, close private posting areas to members only, which guarantees some privacy at least.

Any thoughts on this?

Bellanonna Tue 18-Apr-17 09:39:00

Ah, now we know you're in London CG! Beware! (I know you've often said so though)

Charleygirl Tue 18-Apr-17 09:20:48

OMG Riverwalk that certainly was not me!

Riverwalk Tue 18-Apr-17 09:03:32

There was a London gran, seemingly no longer posting, who gave so much information in one single post that I could actually pin-point which street she lived in!

annsixty Tue 18-Apr-17 09:01:14

Many of us have posted photographs so would certainly be recognisable by people living nearby. However if someone wants to make mischief by spending hours on a computer to find out anything about me they are welcome as it is mostly so boring.

absent Tue 18-Apr-17 08:55:40

I won't try Bellanonna but I bet I could. I'd have to backtrack through your previous posts – and I have no desire to do so – but I bet it would work. I am absolutely certain that almost anyone with half a brain could find out who I am – but I don't care unless I start getting abusive e-mails (which did happen once).

Cunco Tue 18-Apr-17 08:54:36

We have had some fun with this post but there is a serious side.

I am sure that if somebody were so motivated, they could work out who some of us are although, in my case, I don't think it would matter much. If I had discussed more intimate matters than Brexit or alternative methods of cooking risotto, my view might be different.

Any one can join Gransnet and anyone can therefore make contact through the Forums and individual notes so I think it is better to be somewhat guarded.

Bellanonna Tue 18-Apr-17 08:48:12

If anyone knew me they could identify me from the area I have said i live in, from family dynamics, from age, and probably from other "revelations" but I don't see how a stranger could track me down confused

Nelliemoser Tue 18-Apr-17 08:33:39

It's five years since I joined now and I cannot quite remember how much warning there was about privacy.

People might know what county I am in from my occasional morning weather reports.

absent Tue 18-Apr-17 08:21:40

Surely if we are bright enough to use a social website, we should be bright enough to realise our vulnerability or otherwise. Why should GNHQ have to have to cosset us with something about it?

Christinefrance Tue 18-Apr-17 07:59:18

I agree that there should be some sort of warning from GN to alert users to the privacy issues.
Roses, my begging letter is written just need your address, bank info, mother's maiden name etc. smile

absent Tue 18-Apr-17 01:03:22

I have mentioned before – so apologies to anyone who remembers – that a friend and I did a piece of research to see if we could track down the real names of random people on a site similar to Gransnet. Not only could we track down names but we could also find all sorts of pieces of personal information. We did not use either for any nefarious purposes – or, indeed, any purposes at all – and destroyed it.

Jalima1108 Mon 17-Apr-17 23:11:41

It could have been mine, can't remember which of the cars I was using that day when I popped to Sloane Street.
Probably mine, I usually drive the Lamborghini if the chauffeur has the day off.

Elrel Mon 17-Apr-17 23:04:59

Can't drive, not interested in cars BUT was standing gazing lovingly at a Matt black Lamborghini I saw in Sloane Street. Not even sure why, it just looked so good!

Eloethan Mon 17-Apr-17 23:04:54

I suppose if people couldn't read any of the posts to see if the site was of interest to them, they may not be inclined to sign up to Gransnet. Posters just need to be aware that they should be careful about divulging specific information that might identify them.

Bobbysgirl19 Mon 17-Apr-17 22:44:59

No problem Roses, quite entertaining rubbing shoulders with the wealthy and their trappings ?, quite fancy a ride in your Ferrari myself lol.

FarNorth Mon 17-Apr-17 21:45:49

I had no idea there was a GN facebook page. I see it features threads that have taken someone's fancy. shock

Lucky your exclusive parties didn't get gatecrashers, roses.

Cunco Mon 17-Apr-17 21:45:09

See you at the garden party at Buck House, Roses.

rosesarered Mon 17-Apr-17 20:56:38

Apologies Bobbysgirl for hijacking your thread , and you are right to send a timely reminder ( because it can sometimes be seen as a cosy chat.)
Lord Roses and myself get enough begging letters as it is!

rosesarered Mon 17-Apr-17 20:53:35

Ana.... no problem, I only drink sitting down these days, although I did slither down onto the carpet the other night.

rosesarered Mon 17-Apr-17 20:52:00

Well Petra if you will admit to having a Rolls and a Merc there is bound to be envy! Rise above it ( and pass the caviare!)

petra Mon 17-Apr-17 20:08:55

Roses And there was me thinking that I was the only one on here who 'flaunted' her wealth.
PS.I was actually accused of doing that by a poster.

Ana Mon 17-Apr-17 18:07:01

roses I sincerely hope you don't have another accident involving a bottle of Bolly - you could be literally legless! shock

Jalima1108 Mon 17-Apr-17 17:48:55

Age before beauty smile

rosesarered Mon 17-Apr-17 17:47:31

I do hope that others will be as open and honest as myself on this thread.

rosesarered Mon 17-Apr-17 17:45:18

Yes , I believe I may be two days older than you Lady so I of course, take precedence at our dinner parties.