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Times they are a-changing.

(32 Posts)
travelsafar Wed 16-Aug-17 17:27:00

I love going into my bank, they know who i am and what is going on in my life, i feel valued as a customer. I always take in a card and box of something nice for the staff at Christmas.Dread the day they change it all.

tanith Wed 16-Aug-17 17:22:35

I can't remember the last time I went into a branch ''tis all done on my phone or iPad apart from the odd cheque to pay in which I post in a prepaid envelope.

Oriel Wed 16-Aug-17 17:06:44

This way of doing things has been around for many years - at least it has where I live. I don't have a problem with it.

FarNorth Wed 16-Aug-17 17:03:43

Not what you expect when you're actually in the branch, though.

Oriel Wed 16-Aug-17 16:59:04

I've banked online for around 17 years Ann. I've paid people and transferred money between my accounts in the middle of fields, on the beach, in the snow.... you name it! Tis easy peasy!!

Oldwoman70 Wed 16-Aug-17 16:56:20

The last time I went to my bank they tried to push me into using the cash machine, I was told it would save me time - I suggested they employed a few more cashiers. I waited in line!

annsixty Wed 16-Aug-17 16:49:26

I went to my bank today, the first time in many months.
My financial dealings are simple, money goes in and I spend it.
Direct debits are set up for most things and debit and credit cards deal with others,
Today I wanted to transfer some money to another account and pay in my PB winnings,£25 .
The place was deserted for once and at the counter 3 of the 4 cashier points had the blinds down.
The very nice lady manager came up to me and asked how she could help. I explained and she whipped up her i-pad and did the transaction there in the middle of the bank. When I commented she said that is the way they act now. Perhaps you all knew this but my flabber was ghasted,To pay in the cheque she took me to a machine which swallowed the cheque and gave me a receipt with a "photogragh" of the cheque.
It only needs one major worldwide catastrophic breakdown of technology and we are all in a lot of trouble.