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I have never............... ...?

(79 Posts)
DanniRae Sat 21-Apr-18 16:33:41

I will start this off by saying "That I have never............."
Used a dishwasher
Mowed a lawn
Seen "Gone With The Wind"
Had anywhere on my body waxed

Over to you, Gransnetters.................??

humptydumpty Wed 02-May-18 10:15:02

boheminan thanks, sorry I didn't have time to read all the responses! Can I ask where you had the tattoo(s)? - I've always been concerned that as my skin got (even more) wrinkly, they'd just look weird on me!

boheminan Wed 02-May-18 10:44:49

humptydumpty. My tattoos are all hidden. Contradictory to belief, none of them look wrinkled, although my skin is.

I have 2 on the back of my neck (a purple hare chased by some flying stars). The hare goes with my purple hair, which is long, so cover's them from the more sensitive souls amongst us. I have one at the top of my arm, which as I always wear long sleeved clothes, doesn't show and one on the inside of my wrist - I don't walk around with my arm twisted over, so it doesn't show either. All designed by myself.

I think the skin would need to be exceptionally corregated to make the tattoos look wrinkledsmile.

DanniRae Wed 02-May-18 14:37:41

May I add to this thread that I am sorry to say that I have been SENSIBLE all of my life and I am definitely coming back as a RECKLESS TART!! wink