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A 'bit deaf'

(77 Posts)
MissAdventure Mon 17-Sep-18 22:40:37

I joined in a recent thread by a lady (or woman!) whose husband's hearing was bad, but who wouldn't admit to it.
Its been slowly working its way into my head that I'm always telling grandson off for mumbling, and that at work, if someone asks me something as they're passing, I have to try and guess what they said. blush
When I went for a court hearing, the judge was lovely, but once he opened his laptop I couldn't work out what he was saying because only the top of his face showed over the lid.
In short, I think I'm a tiny bit deaf.
Is there anyone else who may also be just a touch deaf?

Chewbacca Mon 17-Sep-18 22:56:22

Hand raised slowly

Think I possibly am MissA. The only time I notice it is at work. I'm in a large, open plan office and if someone at the far end of the room speaks to me, I have to put my glasses on to hear them. I know this sounds most odd but if I can see them clearly (and I'm very short sighted), I can hear well enough. But they do mumble a lot!

Eglantine21 Mon 17-Sep-18 23:03:07

Maybe just a tiny bit...........

morethan2 Mon 17-Sep-18 23:12:17

I think I am may be going a bit deaf or so my grandchildren tell me. I’m always saying “pardon” I often don’t quite catch what people are saying. According to our children we do have the television and radio on very loud. I still hear high frequencies like the cooker timer. My problem seems to be if there is lots of background noise. My husband has had a significant high frequency hearing loss all his life so now I have a taste of how he’s suffered from other people’s intolerence all his life.

Mamissimo Mon 17-Sep-18 23:33:24

I think my husband may have suggested that I need a hearing test but I didn’t quite catch what he said....

kittylester Tue 18-Sep-18 06:46:45

It's just that everyone has started mumbling!

Billybob4491 Tue 18-Sep-18 06:49:39

My husband who is profoundly deaf and wears hearing aids tells everyone that he has a slight loss of hearing!

oldgoat Tue 18-Sep-18 07:00:28

When I told my doctor that I couldn’t hear what my husband says because he mumbles he said 'No man ever mumbles'!

aggie Tue 18-Sep-18 07:20:03

sigh .... if only everyone would speak up !

NannyJan53 Tue 18-Sep-18 07:39:58

I have been wearing hearing aids since I was 50! It is amazing how people in the know still get irritated with me sometimes when I don't catch what they say!

The amount of people who have their hands to their face when speaking is annoying! Even when they know I have hearing difficulties. It is something hard to envision when you have normal hearing I suppose.

BlueBelle Tue 18-Sep-18 07:49:08

Old goat your doctor obviously hasnt met my granddaughter who not only speaks softly but mumbles with her head down on her phone screen
I am told I have my tv too loud
And I do put the subtitles on for dramas
But as far as I m concerned my hearings fine and I m not rushing off for a test

OldMeg Tue 18-Sep-18 08:19:38

Another one here who has mumbling family, I’m training them to speak up by repeating back to them what I thought they said eg ‘You’re having a party with flossy boys wearing napkins at school today?’

‘No Nana’ (enunciates more clearly) ‘I’ve got a part as one of the lost boys in Peter Pan in the school play!’

MissAdventure Tue 18-Sep-18 08:21:33

That's made my day, OldMeg

Auntieflo Tue 18-Sep-18 08:28:58

It's not me, it's the others.

sunseeker Tue 18-Sep-18 08:54:33

I am often asking people to repeat what they said but of course it is because everyone mumbles!

oldgoat Tue 18-Sep-18 09:05:49

If you are thinking about getting your hearing checked, please be aware that the aids supplied by the NHS are really very good and there is no need to pay thousands of pounds for them from a private audiology clinic. I am speaking from personal experience.

NannyJan53 Tue 18-Sep-18 10:05:40

Agreed oldgoat. I did have private aids once, but I found the NHS ones were much better. They are free (at the moment) and so are the batteries.

PECS Tue 18-Sep-18 10:30:34

Pardon?grin Yes me! I have tinnitus which I can manage to live with except with certain other background noise then I cannot hear speech. In the car I can hear the radio/SatNav unless someone opens the window a tiny bit, or on a train etc. Another buzzy sound and I cannot hear! Also I realise I too rely on a certain amount of lip reading to help.
Ask for a referral to the hearing clinic, do a simple the peripheral vision test at the optician..but sound not fuzzy bits! A hearing aid may help you!

kittylester Tue 18-Sep-18 11:54:00

I echo what oldgoat says. They have been really patient with DH (which I sometimes find quite hard!!grin) and have let him go back for adjustments lots of times.

Coconut Tue 18-Sep-18 14:07:33

I accepted the offer of a hearing test when I last had my eyes tested. Unfortunately I have intermittent tinnitus and on the day in question, the tinnitus was quite bad so I couldn’t hear the test beeps when they started !! Now trying to pick a test day when I don’t have tinnitus is the issue !

teabagwoman Tue 18-Sep-18 14:19:10

With you NannyJan53. I’ve worn hearing aids for years and am very open about my hearing loss yet people still treat my inability to hear with irritation. If my legs didn’t work they would be far more sympathetic and helpful.

mabon1 Tue 18-Sep-18 14:21:49

If your eye sight was bad you would buy specs, why not a hearing aid?

nannyof4 Tue 18-Sep-18 14:23:24

I am deaf in my right ear since age 15,and have learnt to live with it,but i am no good with lots of people talking at the same time,plus i tend to lip read and cope like that.

Willow10 Tue 18-Sep-18 14:24:18

I have extensive hearing loss in one ear as well as tinnitus following an operation. I've tried wearing a hearing aid, but find that on the odd occasion when it has been noticed under my hair, people immediately start to shout! Background noise is a real problem and I can only concentrate on one speaker at a time in company. So I've given up on it and just lipread. I only ask people to repeat things once and if I still don't get it, I just pretend that I've heard and hope they aren't expecting an answer! If someone is facing me and speaking clearly it's fine, but looking down and mumbling - no chance! Some people aren't very patient with hearing loss and I do miss out a lot in conversations.

Barmeyoldbat Tue 18-Sep-18 14:25:00

The answer is yes, yes and yes. While my husband was having his eyes tested in Boots I booked an appointment for a hearing test, thought I was ok but just in case. Anyway it turned out I was completely deaf in my left ear and I am now booked in for an MRI scan in October after a visit to ENT at the hospital. I was asked if I wanted a hearing air but declined as I am getting by ok at the moment.