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(28 Posts)
johncrozant23 Thu 20-Sep-18 20:48:28

Did any Brexiteers realise all the complications of leaving the EU? The time & money wasted on this pointless exercise to appease the minority of the Tory Party, whose personal interests extend beyond the EU. They have objectives outside the EU with 'offshore accounts', currently restricted by our membership! Any criticisms made, are met with 'fear mongering', without any constructive positive advantages! We are being led 'over the cliff' by a minority of 'self interested' Tory Politicians, who fear a second Referendum, in the knowledge that the Country will have come to it's senses, to the disappointment of Vladimir Putin & other interested parties in the dissolution of the EU.

MaizieD Fri 08-Feb-19 13:28:17


What you say is true, but a higher percentage of older people voted Leave than in any other age group.

The turnout of 72% was higher than that for recent general elections; a significant number of people who'd never bothered about 'democracy' before suddenly got the 'democracy' bug. It didn't last for long, though, turnout for the 2017 GE was only 68% hmm

GE turnout statistics from 1950 here:

Beammeupscottie Fri 08-Feb-19 13:36:16

And they say wisdom comes with age. Yeah right.