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Seaside Treats

(103 Posts)
Gaunt47 Wed 31-Jul-19 11:20:01

This morning the answer to a crossword puzzle was 'wafer' and I was immediately back at the seaside as a child carefully carrying an ice cream with a wafer stuck on the top. Wafers were extra I think so we didn't have them often, but how I loved them!
What seaside treats do Grandsnetters remember from their childhoods I wonder?

justwokeup Fri 02-Aug-19 08:55:11

We saved spending money all year for our week at the seaside and still didn't have a great deal so it was spent very carefully. We never ate out as it was too expensive, so if we wanted anything extra to eat we had to buy our own. Fortunately I didn't like sugary treats such as doughnuts, candy floss, toffee apples or rock so I didn't want too much. My money was spent on a bag of cockles, sometimes a hot dog, or, my absolute favourite, a velvety, large ripe peach (6d then) from a huge tray on the rock stall. Eating a peach with juice running down my chin was bliss!

BabyLayla Fri 02-Aug-19 08:55:22

We used to visit my granny in Felixstowe Suffolk, a treat would be to go for tea at (damn it’s gone) but it was right on the esplanade, we would sit at the table and have our meal, my memory is of the ice cream for “pudding” just one boule served in a stainless steel dish, the ice cream made the dish so cold it had condensation on.
We also used to have crab from a little hut on the beach, ooh I can smell it now, real fishing a mix of briney water, tar and shellfish. I’m smiling at the memories