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It wasn't until I was 70 that ....

(92 Posts)
Marmight Wed 14-Aug-19 19:01:02

I was told that broad beans not only had to be taken out of their cosy furry pods, but had to have their skin removed after cooking. I don't think my Mum knew that either which is why I always loathed them ? Having just spent an age doing just that (practically the length of Bach's Double Violin Concerto which I was listening to at the time) to a small handful of beans, I have come to the conclusion that Life is too Short.
What have you discovered in later life that you never knew before...?

dogsmother Thu 15-Aug-19 15:20:06

Apparently ladies brains and men’s brains are actually wired differently and it’s quite a common thing that ladies will struggle with left and right and it is why map reading is a chore! Something we ( yes me too) have to work at.
Dental Dams I was educated today by google ?

BlueBelle Thu 15-Aug-19 15:31:41

Who-er ended up having to google that’s what a dental dam is blimey never knew that was a necessity of life
I m really heartened about the left and right thingy as I always thought it was a shortcoming of mine I didn’t realise so many others had the same problem I m not dyslexic at all but I do have a ridiculously bad sense of direction everywhere seems to look quite different each time
Just in case you are too concerned about me gabriella I don’t drive and seem fine on my cycle or my feet so don’t worry

M0nica Thu 15-Aug-19 15:59:22

Not knowing left from right is grouped with problems like dyslexia and dyspraxia. It runs in my family, my sister, DD and myself all struggle with left and right. My son and I are also dyspraxic.

Strangely, despite that I have absolutely no problems reading maps, upside down as well as right way up. If we meet traffic problems when journeying and DH is driving , I will just pick up the road atlas and soon find another route and map read us across it. I rarely make a mistake. In fact I love reading maps, I read them like books and study them in detail.

debgaga Thu 15-Aug-19 16:23:09

Wearing my extended life rubber gloves I like to gently poach my furry broad beans carefully wrapped in a dental dam immersed in my left handed saucepan. Very Heston

FC61 Thu 15-Aug-19 16:25:15

Thank you annifrance for your acknowledgement I appreciate it after discovering the Anglo Scottish border is diagonal ! LOL ? ( I still don’t totally get the dental dam duh! Whats it got to do with teeth? )

Lisagran Thu 15-Aug-19 16:27:26

debgaga grin

Foxyfred Thu 15-Aug-19 17:05:29

Bradford Las, they say we learn something every day and toddy I must certainly have. Dental Dams - just googled them. Never heard of them.

Hello to you all. Have been on Gnet for a while but asked for a username change for security reasons.

Atqui Thu 15-Aug-19 17:52:20

Wow - DD- Who knew?
Never peel broad beans by the way.

Marmight Thu 15-Aug-19 18:00:10

My late husband didn't know right from left. He'd direct me saying "turn left here!" As I made to turn left he'd shout "No, not that left, the other left"?. Apparently it's a sign of high intelligence.... He was an architect and always managed to sort out the rights and lefts when designing anything.

Tooyoungytobeagrandma Thu 15-Aug-19 18:41:06

GabriellaG54 you really are an unpleasant person. I have read your comments on other posts and you are obviously an absolute perfect specimen of a human being that you never make a mistake from the way you comment and chastise. Were you never taught as a child that if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. (I am sure you will correct the saying)

Llamedos13 Thu 15-Aug-19 18:55:25

My sentiments too, Tooyoungtobeagrandma,aren’t some of her comments are just mean,why bother writing if as you say she has nothing nice or even helpful to say, Bet we both get a good telling off!

petra Thu 15-Aug-19 19:04:17

It was a BSM instructor who advised the elastic band.
He said it was a common problem.
I wore one again when i took my advanced test.

M0nica Thu 15-Aug-19 19:40:33

We used to talk about 'my side'and 'your side', but since DD badly damaged her arm in an accident, her preferred turn of phrase, and ours now is 'Arm' and 'non-arm', no she didn't suffer an amputation, but the damaged arm and its treatments dominated our lives for several years, so Arm (and never forget the capital letter even in speech,) is the arm that was damaged(the right arm) and non-arm is the other, left arm.I It works very well in most circumstances,

annifrance Thu 15-Aug-19 20:57:21

OMG just looked up dental dams?! Now won't be able to sleep and to think I thought I was a woman of the world! Somehow this search got mixed up with my last surf about searing scallops. Getting wierder!

annifrance Thu 15-Aug-19 20:59:09

PS how on earth did dental dams get mixed up with broad beans? The mind googles!

dizzyblonde Thu 15-Aug-19 23:08:47

I struggle remembering my left from my right, I have to look at my wedding ring.?I can drive perfectly completely at speed on blue lights, it really doesn’t make any difference.