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Best and Worst Christmas presents this year

(105 Posts)
Vintagegal13 Wed 25-Dec-19 18:30:09

Just me being nosey - I was widowed 2 years ago and have no family, so spent the day on my own. I got dressed in my Sunday best, and cooked a proper dinner and had presents from friends which I was very grateful for, I loved them all. I just wondered if anyone got anything really random or wonderful surprises.

dizzygran Thu 26-Dec-19 17:12:30

Vintage glad you had a good day. Very best was a picture of me with my lovely dear GS in s frame. I am really pleased with all presents - slippers, perfume toiletries, etc, and will use them all I too had a mum who regularly told me to count my blessings, which I do - I feel very blessed.

Floradora9 Thu 26-Dec-19 16:53:30

No presents at all in our house cannot say I miss them . The GC have not yet arrived after spending Christmas abroad with the rellies there so they have sacks to open soon. My worst present from DH was one windscreen washer for my side of the car . My friend once got an iron from her DH . She eventually collected his belongings in bin bags and left them at the door .
I would hate to get books ,candles , smellie stuff biscuits or sweets so it is a good thing I gor nothing .

Snowbell Thu 26-Dec-19 16:35:11

Lots of lovely things but soo...many biscuits, sweets and chocolates when everyone knows how hard I've worked to lose weight!

Urmstongran Thu 26-Dec-19 16:31:39

My second dad is now 86y and as mum died last year he lives alone. He has a house up in the West Highlands opposite Loch Carron with stunning views.

He said yesterday his best present was from our eldest daughter and partner. They know he is selling the Scottish house next year so they had a photo of the beautiful view from his front door enlarged and took it to have it framed in wood and the tartan cloth of ‘his’ family name. He said he welled up when he unwrapped it, bless. He was born in that house. It’ll be a wrench.

Urmstongran Thu 26-Dec-19 16:23:23

Oh I loved that felice ?

Framilode Thu 26-Dec-19 16:15:24

We had agreed no presents for adults but my daughter presented us with a beautiful box of 3 large Jo Malone candles which must have cost a fortune. I love scented candles but we now feel awful that we had nothing for them. I did take a lot of food over and helped with the lunch etc., but still feel mean.

Back to normal gift giving next year as the no presents didn't work.

Oldbat1 Thu 26-Dec-19 16:01:22

I don’t “do” presents any longer. I find the whole buying gifts nowadays for folk who don’t need anything pointless. I will happily give to charity, put much needed food in donation bins, donate to local dog rescue and send money donation to “The Smile Train”. Each to their own.

NanaDH Thu 26-Dec-19 15:47:59

Always love whatever I am given ? I even enjoyed clearing up after they had all gone!

Xxjanexx Thu 26-Dec-19 15:38:35

Vintagegal13 Merry Christmas...this year was mine and hubby’s first year on our was really awful,I really missed my children.
My worst present was a tube of toothpaste!! Hubby thought I might like it as it has charcoal in it!
My best present was from a friend a lovely tin with short bread in.

OPgrndtr Thu 26-Dec-19 15:24:49

Best gift was from my mum who died two weeks ago and left me her house. We've been clearing out 50 years of stuff, and happened to find a small sack with Marcie's presents written on it. I looked inside and found my gifts that DM had bought before she became so awfully ill. Best gift ever.

sandelf Thu 26-Dec-19 15:04:28

Books! Origami paper! Socks in beautiful colour weaves! A visit!

Mealybug Thu 26-Dec-19 14:55:01

Hubbys in respite for a few weeks so I went to see him in the morning then my dtr and SIL came round with the grandchildren. Although they invited me to dinner I politely declined as I wanted to just chill out on my own. Anyway, my little 12 year old Border Terrier passed away in August and I was devastated, on Christmas day my dtr presented me with a gorgeous hand painted picture of her and it made us all cry when I opened it. I had Christmass dinner around 8pm and enjoyed every bit of it.

felice Thu 26-Dec-19 14:54:02

No adult presents but just got the best ever present from DGS, watching a very silly film called Boss Baby !!!!
They said the ideal family is a triangle, Mum, Dad and Baby and he said no, it is a square, because Grandma is there too.
Wet eyes as he said.

Saggi Thu 26-Dec-19 14:43:03

Best pressie was the beaming smiles on my grandsons face when he saw the full size guitar I’d bought him... and a classy cover for it.... after lunch he walked about with it strapped on his back for an hour until his dad told him he was a danger to the Christmas tree. Also the look on my granddaughters face when she saw the electronic keyboard , apparently she’s already mastered ‘Humpty Dumpty’.... a thrill for me having ‘got it right’. My worst pressie ... an awful dun-brown plastic handbag with a gaudy gold covered plastic catch on it , from a ‘friend’ wrapped in the card was my birthday card ( 3 weeks late). I haven’t even taken bag out of cellophane wrapping as it’s vile.... it’ll go to charity. I bought her a lovely Harding and Bayllis gift set in a lovely bag that can be used for makeup or anything you want to afterwards... in her favourite smell and a little pearl bracelet which I know will compliment her pearl necklet. Next year I’ll be re - thinking her gift... or not thinking at all.

MrsJamJam Thu 26-Dec-19 14:38:27

DH and I gave each other the same book! Shows we understand each other's taste but am hoping the bookshop will swap one copy for something else.

GinJeannie Thu 26-Dec-19 14:29:32

I took food INTO our local Co-op just now as Tesco closed! Usually, as a Coeliac, I am very appreciative of any gluten-free goodies given me for Christmas, but all 4 gifts this year were chocolate covered, and I haven’t eaten chocolate for 40+ years! Hopefully someone using the local Foodbank will appreciate them more than me!

Humbertbear Thu 26-Dec-19 14:15:17

Worst: My sister bought me another Woolley hat to go with the one she bought me last year.
Best: My husband gave me a replacement stool/rucksack for when I go out sketching. My last one fell apart.
Still to receive present from DS and DiL but I can guess which category it will belong to.

Happysexagenarian Thu 26-Dec-19 14:04:58

My very best present was spending the day with DS and his family and seeing how happy they are, they've had a few ups and downs the last couple of years. Best actual present (from DH) was an attachment for my sewing machine which I really wanted. No worst present - yet - still a few to come next week. But even when I get 'unusual' gifts I can appreciate the thought/time/money the giver put into buying it, and maybe rehome it elsewhere!

Growing0ldDisgracefully Thu 26-Dec-19 13:27:18

Lots of lovely thoughtful presents, but best was a beautifully done photo collage of old black and white pictures, basically showing a family tree of both my parents, and including pictures of myself and 2 sisters when very small. Worst was a cookery book from a friend who knows I loathe and detest any form of cooking and knows all the cookery books in the world aren't going to change the way of the world in that respect! (One for regifting or the Oxfam bookshop methinks).

Mcrc Thu 26-Dec-19 13:21:12

We received a beautiful photo book from our son with pictures of our lake house and our granddaughters first time there. Lots of wonderful gifts from everyone but that meant the most. I always get somehing from LLBean from my sister in law. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that, but I wrapped it and it is always the same type of thing, lol. But I am soo grateful!

Stella14 Thu 26-Dec-19 13:15:00

The best, a bonsai from my husband. I have always wanted one, but felt I couldn’t justify the expensive cost myself on a ‘houseplant’! It’s beautiful. The worst, a bottle of Merlot. I drink very little (a cocktail on holiday sometimes). My husband is a recovering alcoholic, so I will have to regift it. Without going into detail, it was a very kind gesture on the part of the person concerned though, so although far from ideal, it is a heartwarming gift.

vampirequeen Thu 26-Dec-19 13:03:45

My gifts this year were all lovely but a few years ago, (when I was still with my ex), he bought me a bottle of sherry, a bottle of port and a bottle of Martini. I don't drink alcohol but he did (an alcoholic). Still can't make my mind up as to whether he didn't realise or he just saw the opportunity to drink even more than usual.

MBM Thu 26-Dec-19 12:55:14

I had a lovely gift of a Candle sent by a friend in America.
Unfortunately underneath it stated
Keep Away From Naked Flame hmm

Granless Thu 26-Dec-19 12:51:31

Well done you Vintagegal13 for being positive.

GrandmasueUK Thu 26-Dec-19 12:48:24

My lovely daughter got me tickets to the Lowry to see Malory Towers. She even got the seats that we try to get every time. Only two seats on the row, plenty of room, no one trying to get past and near the door so I can avoid the interval rush to the loo grin