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Have you seen any of the Royal Family up close?

(134 Posts)
PamelaJ1 Thu 26-Dec-19 19:28:18

Chatted to Harry last year at Sandringham.
They are often out and about here.

sodapop Thu 26-Dec-19 19:27:56

I was introduced to the Queen in the 1970s, just a brief handshake. A small lady but a great presence.

Callistemon Thu 26-Dec-19 19:26:44

Prince Philip, only on a walkabout but stopped and spoke and was amusing.
HM a couple of times but not to speak to.

Princess Anne last year, very professional and very much on top of her brief.

ExperiencedNotOld Thu 26-Dec-19 19:25:49

Growing up around horse racing and have long worked for the Ministry of Defence, I’ve seen all of the major royals close to and some of the minor ones - it’s very obvious that they’re just ordinary people doing an extraordinary job. The closest I’ve been to the Queen was about three feet away at a Buck House garden party 7 years ago. She glows.

GrannyGravy13 Thu 26-Dec-19 19:24:10

Have had a 10 minute conversation with Prince Edward, (he was very knowledgeable and friendly) Mr.Gravy has met Prince Philip, he had a good sense of humour and did not take himself seriously.

suzied Thu 26-Dec-19 19:23:31

Yes I live in London and have been several times on a bus which was held up to allow a motorcade with her maj to come past. I also have been to the Garter Ceremony at Windsor Castle with all the RF in all the regalia. Also my YDS was a chorister at St Paul's and they attended several ceremonies which the parents were allowed to attend so yes I’ve seen them numerous times. I have shaken hands with the DOE , plus my OH has been to Highgrove and hobnobbed with PC , but so what I’m not a monarchist.

Ilovecheese Thu 26-Dec-19 19:14:40

And as a teenager, I watched the queen and Princess Anne drive past in Torquay. What surprised me was that they were in colour!

Ilovecheese Thu 26-Dec-19 18:41:12

The queen came to my workplace once, that was quite close up, though not to speak to.

Urmstongran Thu 26-Dec-19 18:36:40

Or bobbed a curtesy? Shaken a hand?

I was in Aberdeen in 1971 when the Royal Yacht docked. I was 16y and waved as the posh limousines sailed past. I caught Princess Anne’s eye. I wonder if she can recall it?

Many years later, when I was working at the old Park Hospital (the first NHS hospital in 1948 opened by Nye Bevan) Princess Margaret came to visit. Gosh she was tiny! Very old fashioned American tan tights with white peep toe sandals. She looked bored. Probably was.

That’s all I’ve seen up close of any of the RF.
