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Distraught at Empty Nest

(29 Posts)
Jane10 Tue 11-Feb-20 12:24:41

Probably a good idea to get busy with a new job. Something new to be thinking about rather than getting stuck in the negative spiral you seem to be on.

Greymar Tue 11-Feb-20 11:37:40

Grief, loss, pain. All very real. Take your time.

Curlywhirly Tue 11-Feb-20 11:16:10

I have 2 sons, the youngest one moved 200 miles away (he was away for 5 years, but moved back to our home town 2 years ago) both sons have their own homes. I did miss them, especially the youngest as he was the last to leave and was far away. I am a very 'Mumsy' Mum, loved looking after my family and luckily now have 2 DGC to help mother! (I get on really well with my DIL, love her to bits, she is quite happy to leave the children with us whenever it suits and is grateful for a well-earned rest). But, I was also pleased that the boys had become independent and fending for themselves; after all, nobody wants a 'Mummy's boy'. So, although I did miss having our sons at home, it was countered with the knowledge that they were adults and getting on with life. Our children are only 'loaned' to us; if they can leave us and live quite independently and happily, then we have done a good job. Just look at the positives, despite your son having health problems, he has moved out and is coping - that is brilliant. If you miss him so much, can't you go and spend a few days with him now and again? I used to do this, (I am retired, DH is still working, so I used to go mid-week about 3 times a year) I was happy to do a bit of mothering, did some ironing, gave his flat a bit of a once-over (my son was single, wouldn't have done this had he been in a relationship!). We'd go out for dinner, or I'd cook a meal. He was happy to be waited on for a change, and I was happy to do it. Worked for us.

Candy6 Tue 11-Feb-20 10:10:24

Hello ladies I’m so glad I found this forum as I would really like some advice from someone who has been through what I am going through now. Basically, my lovely son left home last August to live some 250 miles away and I’m absolutely devastated. Just a bit of background, I have been through a lot with him as he has been ill for the last 15 years with a chronic condition. It’s been absolute hell but of course I’m pleased that he’s now well enough to start his life (at 28). He texts me every morning and FaceTimes every evening, but I just can’t get over my devastation that he’s no longer here. It’s causing me a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. I had a particularly bad night last night and can’t even think about him without breaking down. I also go through such a bad time when he comes home and goes back - it’s even got to the stage where I no longer look forward to him coming home as I know I will go through hell when he goes back. What is wrong with me? I’m so scared. I should really think myself lucky as I have my husband ( who I have a good relationship with) and my daughter and her family living less than 10 minutes away. But none of this matters as I want my son. I’m trying to get on with things and have a job interview this week but I can have a really good, busy day and then I come home and it all starts. I just hate the fact that it’s just me and my husband. I’m seeing a counsellor who is really good - she seems to think I’m suffering from a trauma response. I’m so sad and I just want to be happy and enjoy my life again. I hope someone can empathise with this and apologies for the long post.