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Had a dizzy turn today

(99 Posts)
FlyingHandbag Tue 16-Jun-20 20:47:34

Hi all,

I am prone to dizzy spells and I had a particularly bad one today. I can still feel the effects.

As some of you may know, I live with my parents who were sitting in the garden. I didn't sleep much last night either. I was sitting on the floor eating a ready meal as I felt I should eat something, when I felt very sick, shaky and dizzy.

I stood up and opened the window to get a breath of fresh air but it was a very heavy-aired day here today, so that provided no relief. I had to crawl along the floor to my inhaler which was in my handbag, as I was so dizzy.

I stood at the window for a while, drinking small sips of Lucozade, but I got more and more agitated (as I usually do when I feel like that), and I ended up sliding down the wall onto the floor, after a few minutes I tried to stand and go to the stairs to try and shout for my parents but they couldn't hear me (even though they were only 2 metres from the front door, the windows were open and I have a loud voice), so I tried to go back to my room to get my mobile to phone my mum, but I got about a metre away from my room before I collapsed to the floor, where I lay for another few minutes. I was close to tears as I felt so terrible.

I stood up and managed to go to my room, and when I got there, a relative FaceTimed me for a chat. I told her I felt very dizzy and had just collapsed. She said it must be because I haven't ate much, it's very hot and I hadn't slept much (she knows this as I told her a few hours before). She also said I should put on my clothes and go and sit in the garden with my parents for some fresh air. I was close to tears for a second time as everyone was being so nice to me. My mother also realised how ill I was because of the fact I was outside without makeup on which isn't like me. I have dizzy spells frequently, if I get very warm or tired or if I don't eat or drink much, or if I stand, sit or bend too quickly, with the occasional bad one if I have a combination of these things. I had all of these factors today (warm, tired, not ate or drank much). This was a bad one. It was very scary. Thanks for reading.

Take care,
FlyingHandbag. X

Txquiltz Wed 17-Jun-20 22:58:35

You might have a middle ear issue. Episodes of severe dizziness that are intermittent occur with this. It s treatable wth medication and/or physical therapy in a short period of time. You might look up Eply Maneuver on the internet for more info. Please visit your doctor before you fall and injure yourself.

Nannatwiglet Wed 17-Jun-20 22:46:20

I agree with Humptydumpty. You must ring NHS111 if this happens again. Your Blood pressure could be at could be dehydrated for some reason.
This happened to me some months ago before lockdown and I was whisked off to A&E by ambulance...where I was diagnosed with postural drop plus Atrial Fibrillation.

I was given tests and medication and am fine now.

Don’t delay...!

humptydumpty Wed 17-Jun-20 22:33:06

FlyingHandbag if you feel so ill, please ring 111 next time, my daughter has done this and they were very helpful. If necessary they will get a doctor to ring you, or even call an ambulance.

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 22:17:21

I tell her as little as possible so as not to worry her. X

Kalu Wed 17-Jun-20 20:24:08

You say your Mother realised how ill you were as you were outside without makeup on! With all you share with us about your health issues, is this the only red flag your Mother has picked up on thus ignoring all the problems you tell us you are experiencing?

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 18:15:37


I hope so, FH.
Lockdown is affecting a lot of people strangely, even if they / we don't realise it.

Thanks so much. X

Marydoll Wed 17-Jun-20 18:15:36

Do you not work, Flying handbag?
Lockdown means you can still go out for exercise and if you were able to have a full life before Lockdown, there is nothing to stop you , especially now that things are easing.

I'm in permanent pain and shielding into the bargain, but I'm still managing to get a little bit of exercise and fill my days.

You are still being evasive and that is why posters are doubting you. It's a pity, if you are genuinely looking for companionship.

FarNorth Wed 17-Jun-20 18:15:04

I hope so, FH.
Lockdown is affecting a lot of people strangely, even if they / we don't realise it.

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 18:10:19

Hit post too soon. I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, and I know I will be back to my old self soon. X

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 18:08:45


I think the OP needs a bit of compassion. Having to come on here, looking for some attention is quite sad. She doesn't seem to have much going on in her life and perhaps lockdown has made things worse for her .

I normally have a very busy life in spite of my chronic pain, but since lockdown, life has went from 100 to 0. I normally visit relatives, go shopping and generally have a very full life, but lockdown has stripped me of my life and motivation. Gransnet has been a pillar of strength for me in the current situation.

Calendargirl Wed 17-Jun-20 18:01:50

As long as FH is just a rather lonely soul on GN, and not a bored sixth former looking for a bit of fun at our expense during lockdown.

Marydoll Wed 17-Jun-20 17:56:18

I think the OP needs a bit of compassion. Having to come on here, looking for some attention is quite sad. She doesn't seem to have much going on in her life and perhaps lockdown has made things worse for her .

FarNorth Wed 17-Jun-20 17:42:34

Oh well, it gives us poor old souls something to do, Meryl.

MerylStreep Wed 17-Jun-20 17:32:42

Jennifereccles & FarNorth
Many of us thought this weeks ago.

FarNorth Wed 17-Jun-20 17:20:02

I'll go to the doctor. X

Great news. [thumbs up]

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 16:33:39

I don't have problems with my mental health, I have anxiety but I am fully in control of my own mind. I'll go to the doctor. X

BibiSarah Wed 17-Jun-20 16:23:47

I have a feeling everyone is being taken for a ride

This could very well be the case but its also possible FH has problems with her mental health and everything else is down to this, or they perhaps mask genuine health problems.

Either way no one here can help her and all that's to be said repeatedly is - please go and see your Dr.

FlyingHandbag Wed 17-Jun-20 16:00:27

I'm middle aged. X

JenniferEccles Wed 17-Jun-20 15:58:21

Oh well!
There have been worse ‘cons’ in the past which weren’t spotted.

Marydoll Wed 17-Jun-20 15:58:18

At least he didn't spill it on himself! wink

Oopsadaisy3 Wed 17-Jun-20 15:56:23

DH has just had soup, maybe if he had sat on the floor he wouldn’t have spilt it over the table. Or maybe he would have spilt it all over the floor?

Marydoll Wed 17-Jun-20 15:54:53

What age are you Flyinghandbag? You never really give a straight answer to any questions.

Do your parents know you are asking strangers for advice on your medical problems?
Lockdown, doesn't mean you can't see or speak to a doctor, so that is not avalid excuse.
I'm shielding, like many on here and I'm still able to access medical treatment, much of it by phone or video conferencing.

I suspect you are quite lonely.

Oopsadaisy3 Wed 17-Jun-20 15:51:10

Keeps us on our toes.......

FarNorth Wed 17-Jun-20 15:49:39

Me too.
I like a bicycle ride now and again tho.

JenniferEccles Wed 17-Jun-20 15:48:08

There is something very strange here.

I have a feeling everyone is being taken for a ride.