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To Tell Or Not To Tell

(72 Posts)
Pennylane4711 Sat 28-Nov-20 16:10:53

I work in the beauty industry. I should be retired but will not be able too for 4 years. Recently I have lost my confidence a little and have decided it’s time to have a little surgery abroad (face lift) I’ve done my research and am totally happy with my choice but I have a question that I would love to hear your thoughts, around who to tell and how much to tell. I have always been a very private person, I don’t want to lie to anyone but also I don’t want to discuss the ins and outs either. I’ve told my children and partner but I don’t know what to expect from friends and work colleagues. I will be out of action for two weeks which may go unnoticed depending on the lockdown situation. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Please no negativity about my decision.

OmaforMaya Fri 04-Dec-20 00:17:35


Is this your first post?

No it's not my first post....I have posted several times. Why do you ask?

2montana Thu 03-Dec-20 08:40:44

Why do you need to tell anyone. It’s your face. Hopefully your lift has turned out to be what you wanted. No one else needs to know about it unless YOU want to. Why did people feel the need to confess to every thing they do,

petra Tue 01-Dec-20 16:13:21

If posters suspect that a post is a windup/ advertising why don't they search and see if it's a new poster.
In this case it's not.

Kamiso Tue 01-Dec-20 15:51:04

Beginning to seem like a wind up in the form of an ad for face lifts.

I was brought up not to ask personal questions and was shocked when my neighbour commented that she hadn’t seen me for a while and I said that I had been in hospital. She then asked what was wrong with me! So she and the bus full of passengers were given an awareness raising course on EMPD - Vulva Cancer.

JenniferEccles Mon 30-Nov-20 11:44:25

Is this your first post?

OmaforMaya Mon 30-Nov-20 10:07:07

She says that by disappearing for a couple of weeks it won't be very noticeable depending on 'lockdown.' Then she says it will be after the Pandemic ?? The Pandemic is not just going to go away suddenly. This virus is going to be 'lingering' for a very long time so she might have longer than a few months to wait. I think the OP is a wind up.

LadyHonoriaDedlock Sun 29-Nov-20 20:49:51

Say nothing and enjoy the compliments when your friends see the new look.

Tangerine Sun 29-Nov-20 20:44:30

Say nothing. People may notice and work out what you've done.

NanKate Sun 29-Nov-20 20:15:09

Whatever you decide to do please don’t let them pump your lips up. Best of luck.

LovelyLady Sun 29-Nov-20 19:39:59

I’m needing some work done too but don’t even know where to start.
I’d get new specs, and change my hairstyle, go lighter, or darker or shorter and if comments arrive, I’d blame the new ‘hair do’ and my specs.
No need to disclose.
How much are you being charged compared to the UK?
Best wishes and I so wish I could have a face lift.

FoghornLeghorn Sun 29-Nov-20 19:04:48


I totally 100% felt the same as you

Then I found out about this face-lift which needed no surgery!! Take a look at tbis

Let me know what you think x

These won’t lift like surgery does. Surgery cuts out excess skin. How are these supposed to do that?

Harris27 Sun 29-Nov-20 18:54:22

Don’t think it’s anyone’s business but your own. I hope it makes you happy and you feel better afterwards. Good luck!

Msida Sun 29-Nov-20 18:51:38

I totally 100% felt the same as you

Then I found out about this face-lift which needed no surgery!! Take a look at tbis

Let me know what you think x

PattyFingers Sun 29-Nov-20 18:39:04

I can't believe that when the world is in lockdown you are contemplating travelling abroad for a wanted, but unnecessary, medical procedure. Crikey, I'm not even allowed to go anywhere other than the supermarket.

donna1964 Sun 29-Nov-20 17:45:18

Good for you Pennylane4711...why not if its going to make you feel better. You have done your homework and have decided where to go. I paid £10,500 for a Stomach Bypass last year..It would have cost me maybe £4,500 had I gone abroard... so I can see why you are having it in another Country. I did not keep it a secret...Family knew and Friends...anyone else I did not broadcast it. But if and when I was asked by others how I lost so much weight I would tell them the truth. You do whats right for you and i wish you well x

123kitty Sun 29-Nov-20 17:33:52

If you tell one person, expect everybody to find out- face lifts still make good gossip.

GoldenAge Sun 29-Nov-20 15:59:03

Your surgery, your business Tell everyone, tell nobody. But please be very careful what you do during this pandemic and ensure that the person who performs this is operating within the bounds of his/her insurance at this time. You will have no come back if the person is uninsured because the pandemic regulations in the country where you're going mean the insurance is temporarily suspended. Good luck.

3nanny6 Sun 29-Nov-20 15:32:07

I often look on on a local cosmetic clinics site where they do face lifts (tightening but non surgical) also botox, and fillers.
Some of the procedures are quite expensive and I was thinking of having something done just before the first lockdown, but could not as she had to stop business because of the pandemic. I would like to have some face procedures done although as we come out of this lockdown we will go into tier 3 so maybe will wait until next year.
If I had anything done I would only tell close family and then wait to see if anybody noticed anything different.

Paperbackwriter Sun 29-Nov-20 15:22:10


Do what the celebrities do, just say you have good genes, eat healthily and have plenty of exercise.grin

.. you could add the old Lulu quote - "all down to soap and water"!

Paperbackwriter Sun 29-Nov-20 15:18:56

I wouldn't have it done abroad. There are terrific surgeons here and I've heard a few awful stories about surgery going wrong abroad. What if you need some follow-up?

I had a facelift a couple of decades ago and didn't tell anyone apart from immediate family. I stayed out of sight for a couple of weeks, thoroughly bandaged but after that I could face the great outdoors. People didn't notice, as such, but a few said I was looking 'well', which is how it should be. If you look very different, the surgeon has done it wrong. Mine said I'd look like myself but 'tidier', which was exactly what I wanted. Could do with another go at it now though...!

Rumbabba Sun 29-Nov-20 14:37:00

Don’t say anything, you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. Have your op, and wait and see if anyone notices a difference in your looks. If they don’t, then it’s money down the drain, but you must do whatever makes you happy!

Stella14 Sun 29-Nov-20 13:23:48

It’s well known that people don’t recognise that a facelift has been done (unless it’s done repeatedly al la LA). You just look refreshed. Others think you look very well, but can’t put there finger on what’s different. I speak from experience when I say that is true. You don’t need to tell people.

Jess20 Sun 29-Nov-20 12:58:39

I think if I was that worried I'd make a massive change in my hairstyle at the same time to draw attention away from any facial work and accept any comments about a change in my looks as down to that ....... 'yes, not keen on the style/colour but I'm told it does make me look younger' type of response.

Daisend1 Sun 29-Nov-20 12:46:22

I had 'nose' cosmetic surgery several years ago and used my annual holiday plus a few days on the sick to have it done. This was carried out in the UK.Never told anyone other than my nearest and dearest. Obviously hmm a change was noticed by friends and work colleagues and told I 'looked different ' I left it at that. My business not theirs

Annaram1 Sun 29-Nov-20 12:15:10

You want a face lift? Why not, its common practice these days.
I have had botox and fillers in a well known clinic and look much younger because of these simple procedures.
However at the moment perhaps it is advisable to stay in this country for a while.