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Are you a committee person or do you avoid them like the plague?

(33 Posts)
Lucca Sun 07-Mar-21 07:38:07

As a retired teacher I can empathise with people who say they e had enough meetings to last a lifetime! A little after retirement I was asked to go back for a limited time for a particular reason. I agreed but on condition I didn’t have to attend staff meetings.......

kittylester Sun 07-Mar-21 07:33:18

I've been on a few committees but hate them! I much prefer to be getting on with the job.

CanadianGran Sun 07-Mar-21 05:41:05

Avoidance here as well. I did my time as volunteer at Parent Advisory Council at school, but just as a 'member at large' instead of executive member.

Every meeting I went to my DH would remind me as I went out the door to "sit on your hands", since if I was volunteered to be in charge of something it usually meant some work for him as well.

nanna8 Sun 07-Mar-21 04:41:22

Yup - there are always those who wait until the meeting is almost over and everyone is ready to leave and then they bring up a difficult question. Always. I got to know them and so sometimes I would ask them if they had anything to add before we were ready to close. Mostly it was windy rubbish.

Kim19 Sun 07-Mar-21 04:23:44

I'm in a bit of a mixed camp over this. In my business life I found some of them a quick route and very useful in discerning which were the 'right' people to assist me along the way and those to avoid. It doesn't take long to figure the windbags from the constructive go getters.

BlueBelle Sun 07-Mar-21 04:02:03

Avoid like the plague I m afraid, always
Work (in those days) had enough meetings to last me a lifetime

DillytheGardener Sun 07-Mar-21 02:07:39

Avoid like the plague I’m afraid. The Jackie Weaver episode recently really has solidified that decision.

nanna8 Sun 07-Mar-21 01:39:48

I have always been on committees/boards throughout my working career . Now I am very selective about these because some of them can be very argumentative and I can’t be bothered now unless it is something really important ( mostly not). I am only on one now and we have a good committee who all put in and do their share.
What are your experiences ?