Gransnet forums


What is the name for a gathering of grandmas?

(113 Posts)
Janiepops Mon 07-Jun-21 17:30:17

So we have a ‘flock of birds’ a ‘ murder of crows’, a ‘ herd of cows,’ what is a gathering of grandmas? I found myself sitting with about 7 grandmas at the park after school, and thought we need a collective name, any suggestions? ???

Ilovedragonflies Wed 09-Jun-21 12:16:57

Another vote for a Granary - I actually chuckled at that. Just brilliant!

maryelizabethsadler Wed 09-Jun-21 11:15:42

A gossip of Grandmas? Or if that has already been chosen, a gabble?

absent Wed 09-Jun-21 04:57:09

A gallimaufry of grandmas because we are all so varied.

Sickofweddingcake Tue 08-Jun-21 22:06:08

A net of Grans.. x

Redhead56 Tue 08-Jun-21 20:17:44

I vote for a ‘Granary’ that’s my favourite.

Coco51 Tue 08-Jun-21 20:03:22

A coven ???

annodomini Tue 08-Jun-21 20:01:00

A galaxy of grannies.

JackyB Tue 08-Jun-21 19:09:23


I love all the alliteration on here. Still thinking. ?

Ah, if it's alliteration you want:

A grandeur of grannies

Mollygo Tue 08-Jun-21 18:33:23

A non-confrontational “gathering of Grandmas”.

trisher Tue 08-Jun-21 18:22:11

A comforter of grannies.
a celebration of grannies

varian Tue 08-Jun-21 18:06:38

A gransnet of grannies

LisaLouGlynn Tue 08-Jun-21 18:04:33

The best term ever would be 'Queen-Agers' ??

Applegran Tue 08-Jun-21 17:11:49

A Loving Flock of Grandmothers. We are all different but as grandmothers almost all of us love our grandchildren - something we all have in common. Or how about 'A Gransnet" of grandmothers?

grannylyn65 Tue 08-Jun-21 16:58:58

A galaxy

Diane318 Tue 08-Jun-21 16:43:08

A cuddle of grandmas?

Moth62 Tue 08-Jun-21 16:33:56

A giddy of grannies

lilydily9 Tue 08-Jun-21 16:26:26

A gumption (meaning get up and go).

Kryptonite Tue 08-Jun-21 16:26:05

A garland of grandmas.

Camelotclub Tue 08-Jun-21 15:58:43

A Flutter.

Janiepops Tue 08-Jun-21 15:19:39

I love all these ? some clever ones!

dorabelle100 Tue 08-Jun-21 15:06:57

i like Jaxjacky's a generosity........

Kryptonite Tue 08-Jun-21 15:02:05

Someone has come up with mine already: a glory of grandmas. I like that.

cupcake1 Tue 08-Jun-21 14:17:21

An encyclopaedia of grannies. We’ve been asked so many questions over the years so why not!

rowyn Tue 08-Jun-21 14:00:35

You're all wrong. Quite obviously it has to be a GA-GA of Grannies!
( but I'm no Lady!)

inthewrongroom Tue 08-Jun-21 13:58:10

I just love "a Granary" gran5up !!
I thought a "rattle" - iced cocktails & laughter combined with false teeth & meds!! grin