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What else can we do for the environment

(34 Posts)
Shropshirelass Sun 10-Oct-21 10:07:12

Just a thread for interest to see what we are all doing and hoping to find additional things to do to make a difference. We feel we are doing what we can but know there is more, everything helps!

So far we are doing the following (we know we are fortunate to be able to do some of these things and not everyone is in this position).

solar panels
air source heating (replaced oil and multi fuel)
Hybrid cars
No longer have garden bonfires and recycle all of our garden waste either on compost heap or in green bin.
Recycle everything we can either with local refuse collections or through the TerraCycle scheme, such as coffee pods, dental products, blister packs, plastic wrapping.
Zero food waste as we cook everything from fresh.
Natural products such as wool, cotton and bamboo whenever possible.
Enviro friendly cleaning products.

Interested to hear what else we can do.

vegansrock Mon 11-Oct-21 11:04:11

Switch from dairy milk to oat milk
Eat no meat or cut down to once or twice a week
Buy locally grown fruit and veg

Neen Wed 13-Oct-21 22:48:14

alegriasl. That made me laugh

Neen Wed 13-Oct-21 22:52:10

I don't drive but I put all recycle in the blue bin and walk glass over to the community centre glass bins as blue bins don't accept glass. When I move as sharing at present, I'll get into an economical life style again.

Shandy57 Wed 13-Oct-21 22:58:28

Good info on the Earthshot Prize programme on BBC1

Gwyneth Thu 14-Oct-21 08:41:46

Litter pick every month in the town and surrounding area
Walk almost everywhere on daily basis and usually take bag to pick up litter as I go
Heating kept low or off when needed pile on extra clothes
Try to buy British but difficult when so much imported from China.
Have stopped buying new clothes apart from replacing basics.
Do not change clothes daily apart from socks/underwear
Recycle re council information and visit recycling centre for stuff that can’t go in bins.
My children have so far made a decision not to have children re overpopulation.
Grow wild flowers for bees/ butterflies.
Sadly this is not enough whilst the Amazon rainforest is being cut and burnt to provide food for the every growing human race. China, India and America still continue to burn fossil fuels without any concern to how it is affecting climate change. Although like all the other posters on here I try to do my best it is very depressing as some individuals and countries refuse to acknowledge that their actions have a devastating effect on the environment.

grannyactivist Thu 14-Oct-21 09:11:54

One thing nobody has yet mentioned is the recycling of medicine blister packs; I take a lot of medication and used to hate throwing the packs away, so I’m delighted there are Terracycle containers in some Superdrug stores, where they can be disposed of for recycling.

Shropshirelass Thu 14-Oct-21 09:20:26

I also do not fly anywhere, grow my own veg and have planted a few trees. We have showers and I collect rainwater for the garden. No pesticides used on the garden. I keep on remembering more things!

Shandy57 Thu 14-Oct-21 09:41:10

Every little helps, I'm glad so many people here are doing their best.

I had no choice but to burn oil for our central heating at my previous address, but never used the coal fires.

We had a wood burner, and I always bought kiln dried wood. Some neighbours used anything they could find, sometimes their smoke was eye watering!