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(41 Posts)
Guineagirl Sun 05-Apr-20 11:48:52

Absolutely petrified they ban this now. The rebound effect of de conditioning will be so bad for fit people. The morons on beaches are ruining it for people who are fit and have done this for health. Even elderly people need to exercise to help joints loosen. Oh well I’ll be biking in the dark once curtains are closed, then who knows what will happen to me,

Barmeyoldbat Sun 05-Apr-20 15:38:05

Guiniagirl I have also been told to exercise and my Dr said my cycling was the best I could do for my condition and it doesn't do damage to the joints. If I go out into my garden chances are I will be nearer people like my neighbours than when I am exercising.

3nanny6 Sun 05-Apr-20 14:35:10

I agree with whywhywhy many people suffer with depression and the difference between having a walk and staying inside is what keeps them sane.

I too have had depression but since having my dogs and getting out everyday my symptoms improved and sitting in the house all day it would feel like the walls are closing in on me.

Guineagirl Sun 05-Apr-20 14:23:34

With you barmeyoldbat I keep distance, wear a mask, on rural hill and road, I had a stent last year and was told to carrry on exercising. Me being out is no different than being in as I a see no one other than single cyclists, we all keep distance.

Barmeyoldbat Sun 05-Apr-20 14:15:56

I shall still go out cycling on my own on the empty roads and tracks nearby, I just can't see how I am putting anyone in danger. I keep my distance and I wear a mask, even if its banned, its not the law. So I will still go.

As for people on beaches well its as been said its probably local people on the beach using it for a walk just like those who use the pavement for a stroll around the block in their neighbourhood.

whywhywhy Sun 05-Apr-20 14:01:03

I'm just hanging onto my sanity as it is but if I can't go out for a 20 minutes walk per day then I'll go nuts,!!!!! Unlike some on here I battle depression on a daily basis.

dragonfly46 Sun 05-Apr-20 13:58:55

I am not allowed out so it wouldn’t make much difference to me!

Oopsminty Sun 05-Apr-20 13:58:03

We've lost a family member actually, GagaJo. Sister in law.

I still don't understand why people are unable to appreciate the rules set down

As it stands now, people are allowed out for exercise

That's all there is to it

GagaJo Sun 05-Apr-20 13:57:42

It's hard. I agree. We've been locked in for 3 weeks now. But it'll be worth it for my GS to grow up with a granny.

Eglantine21 Sun 05-Apr-20 13:56:55

A bit OTT. Probably.

I’m influenced by having family working 48hr shifts trying to keep people alive.

A little more worry about catching the virus and a little less about exercise mght not do any harm.

GagaJo Sun 05-Apr-20 13:55:58

We don't have a back garden., We live in the north of England. We have a tiny backyard.

Yes, Eglantine. Exactly. Some people aren't going to feel the seriousness until they lose a family member.

gillybob Sun 05-Apr-20 13:53:41

It must be awful for you Urmstongran I’m not sure how I would cope . My garden (small as it is) is keeping me sane and I’m so glad we got my DD’s little patch done last year . x

BlueSky Sun 05-Apr-20 13:49:29

How many times will we be allowed to go out for groceries/chemist? Once a week? Who's going to check? Will you have to fill in a form stating that Monday 9 to 10 is your family's shopping day?

GrannyGravy13 Sun 05-Apr-20 13:45:03

At least if we are all in total lockdown apart from food or chemist visits. It will stop the groups of teenagers hanging around as if it the virus will not effect them and *stay home save lives^ does not apply to them.

Admittedly it will be hard if you are in a flat, but come on folks it is far better to be in lockdown which eventually will be over than dead and buried which is forever.

Urmstongran Sun 05-Apr-20 13:43:38

True gillybob it’s the same out here in Spain. Young families all stuck in their apartments. I’ve not seen a child on the road outside (no cars either) in 3 weeks. Mum or dad only, on their own to buy groceries.

vampirequeen Sun 05-Apr-20 13:43:29

"Perhaps the reason is she doesn’t want her family to catch CV and die?"

Bit OTT there Eglantine21. You make it sound as if everyone who catches it dies. Sadly some people do but most people make a full recovery...even those with underlying conditions. DH and I both had the symptoms and were under the weather for a few days and stayed in quarantine for the required time. DH is classed as vulnerable as he has diabetes, thyroid issues and only one fully working lung.

I'm not trying to underplay the necessity of social distancing or how the disease can affect some people but equally we should be careful not to scare people more than they already are.

gillybob Sun 05-Apr-20 13:35:29

I feel so sorry for young families stuck in flats with no private outside space . They need to have some outside time or they will go insane .

Urmstongran Sun 05-Apr-20 13:32:40

Hi GagaJo ?

It's unbelievable how many people suddenly can't live without exercise. It's as if the obesity epidemic never existed....

DoraMarr Sun 05-Apr-20 13:32:31

I have been out today for the first time for ages having been in quarantine for suspected CV. In our park there were few people, and nearly everyone was keeping to the guidelines. There was a police patrol, and they were telling people not to sit on the benches. I will be very sad if our park is closed. Going shopping is far more dangerous, and yet there are long queues outside our local supermarket all day, with people still shopping in couples, and not just elderly couples. Getting some exercise and fresh air is beneficial to health, including mental health. It would be unfair if all outdoor exercise was banned: not everyone has a garden.

Eglantine21 Sun 05-Apr-20 13:21:10

Perhaps the reason is she doesn’t want her family to catch CV and die?

3nanny6 Sun 05-Apr-20 13:18:43

Riverwalk : I was going to ask the same question about taking the little boy outside.

I have not heard a rule that says children cannot go out, when I have my exercise slot I always see children but I keep a long distance from them.
Have you got a garden?

Riverwalk Sun 05-Apr-20 13:02:48

It's not me that's frustrated, it's him. He's a very outdoorsy boy and he begs to go out.

Is there a reason why you can't go out at all?

notanan2 Sun 05-Apr-20 12:59:00

The "morons on the beach" mostly live within 2k of it I bet! The beaches being photographed are beaches near dense housing, mostly flats with no gardens

Are you not allowed to exercise near your home if your home is beside a beach/park/nature reserve?

The beach/parks car parks are closed. These are mostly local people on foot/bike!

GagaJo Sun 05-Apr-20 12:55:31

It's lock in or death for a lot of us. US especially.

It's not me that's frustrated, it's him. He's a very outdoorsy boy and he begs to go out.

3nanny6 Sun 05-Apr-20 12:52:30

Gagajo ; count yourself lucky to be locked up with a two year old. I bl...dy wish I was locked up with one of my grand-children and sorry it would not be my idea of FRUSTRATION.
All the things that can be done at the home with a toddler are miraculous.

I used to be the only mum at the school gates that loved, enjoyed the long summer holidays and everyday found something for my children to keep them occupied, when they went back in September I missed them for about 2-3 weeks. Days with your kids are memories so make them good as you can never get that time back.

Yes I love my exercise slot and the little I get is killing me because I love outside but one way or another I am continuing to exercise why what are they going to do lock us all up?

Eglantine21 Sun 05-Apr-20 12:50:27

The thing is people still don’t really believe it.

All those who say I must have my daily exercise, truthfully if you really believed your life depended on staying indoors, really, really believed it, you wouldn’t have any trouble staying put.

My husband spent six months in an isolation tent measuring 10’x 10’, no view, no fresh air, no exercise.

It wasn’t impossible because he really believed (correctly) that his life depended on him staying there.

No point getting angry. The measures are for your benefit. To keep you alive.?