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Brilliant pianist

(4 Posts)
TriciaF Tue 09-Aug-16 14:01:39

Thanks to youtube we can still watch some of the brilliant musicians of the past. eg this one of Rubinstein playing - his technique is breathtaking, but makes me want to give up!
I didn't realise the Morecambe and Wise skit is probably based on this performance.
Any more examples of passed performers?

gettingonabit Tue 09-Aug-16 15:06:01

So many brilliant performers. Yes, the Greig was the M and Wise inspiration, featuring as I recall Andre Previn?

Can't do linkies but my favourite performance is Art Tatum playing Tiger Rag. Phenomenal.

TriciaF Tue 09-Aug-16 15:20:49

Here it is:
Never heard him before - brilliant as you say.

gettingonabit Tue 09-Aug-16 15:37:26

Thanks tricia! Bloody amazing.