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How things have changed.

(15 Posts)
varian Fri 15-Sep-17 20:15:44

In the 1960s I worked as a researcher analysing inpatient statistics. I was told when I started that there were two computers I could usd. The university had a computer and the regional hospital board also had a computer. I used the hospital board computer, writing my programs in Fortran, having them transferred to punched cards, then inputing them usually at four o'clock in the morning.

I also helped to teach statistics to medical students. Lesson one was how to use the Facit mechanical calculatot.

Mamie Fri 15-Sep-17 12:26:11

I used to drive round a very rural county with a BBC computer and printer in the boot and lug it out off the boot into schools to show them how it worked.
Some teachers were very reluctant. ?

Mamie Fri 15-Sep-17 12:22:09

Our daughter went to university 27 years ago with her own Apple Mac. We bought our first BBC micro in 1982 and then a Mac in about '85. I became an Advisory Teacher for IT in schools in 1988.
It feels like a very long time ago. ?

JackyB Fri 15-Sep-17 12:11:18

We weren't allowed calculators - I can't use one to this day. I skipped a generation I suppose, because I prefer to set everything out in an Excel spreadsheet and let that do the work.

illtellhim Fri 15-Sep-17 11:55:05

We've got grandchildren (6,4), I do the school run in the P.M and bring them to our house for their evening meal.

They go straight to OH office and annoy Alexa,
Elder one said "Alexa can you fart", it appears that all of the class have strange things that they ask.

Flin Fri 15-Sep-17 11:45:04

Students have a huge range of reading on offer to download very reasonably. They are spoilt for choice, really. The kindle helps store masses of literature in a neat place, I agree how useful they are.
I recommend this read if you know any freshers. It may keep them on the straight and narrow.

Charleygirl Mon 12-Sep-16 14:44:45

I can read a book on my Kindle because I can be curled up in bed and be very comfortable. Also, I have problems with my eyesight so I can easily sort out a larger font size for whatever I am reading on the Kindle but I am stuck with whatever font size a book is printed in.

Yane Mon 12-Sep-16 14:06:34

It's sad, but today students forget about library. No books, just tables, cell phones and PCs together with hazardous social networks. I fully agree with Deedaa, I cannot read books on a screen either.

obieone Thu 08-Sep-16 21:40:37

My DH still has his slide rule and log tables.
Can't remember how to work it though!

Deedaa Thu 08-Sep-16 21:34:25

I can cope with the writing but I can't read long tracts on a screen, I'm much happier with words on paper.

I spent years working with log tables and now I've completely forgotten how it all worked.

gettingonabit Thu 08-Sep-16 07:40:38

iPad mini?envy.

I, for one, still can't think into a computer screen. I have to write longhand first.

annodomini Wed 07-Sep-16 22:36:54

Even 26 years ago, in DS's last year at Uni, he had to spend long nights in the computer lab in order to get his dissertation finished. Now his two sons (8 and 11) have their own i-Pad minis.

cornergran Wed 07-Sep-16 21:45:04

Oh yes. Left me behind. confused.

Linsco56 Wed 07-Sep-16 21:40:18

You're correct Deedaa parallel universe!

When we were at school it was a slide rule and log tables.

Deedaa Wed 07-Sep-16 21:32:54

When DD first went to university nearly 25 years ago she was amazed to find an American student who had brought a lap top to work on. All the British students were stuck with pen and paper.

This term GS1 (9 years old) brought home the instructions for the project they are doing. It comes with warnings not to cut and paste stuff from the internet and tells the children that if they want the school to print their work they can bring it in on a memory stick. It's like living in a parallel universe.