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(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 18:46:12

New starter

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme

FarNorth Sat 29-Sep-18 09:03:37

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap

Flossieturner Sat 29-Sep-18 09:01:29

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files

Luckygirl Sat 29-Sep-18 08:35:19

A buxom young lady from Keele
Was renowned for her great sex appeal
With ruby red lips
And soft rounded hips
She was always up for a feel!

There was an old codger with piles

travelsafar Sat 29-Sep-18 07:23:54

A buxom young lady from Keele
Was renowned for her great sex appeal
With ruby red lips and soft rounded hips

Bellanonna Fri 28-Sep-18 23:36:24

A buxom young lady from Keele
Was renowned for her great sex appeal

Jangran99 Fri 28-Sep-18 23:18:24

Five old ladies gathered in a Wood
To drink as much as they could
They needed no reason
Whatever the season
They just enjoyed liquid food.

A buxom young lady from Keele

FarNorth Fri 28-Sep-18 23:10:36

Five old ladies gathered in a Wood
To drink as much as they could
They needed no reason
Whatever the season

Jangran99 Fri 28-Sep-18 22:57:08

Five old ladies gathered in a Wood
To drink as much as they could
They needed no reason

Luckygirl Fri 28-Sep-18 17:10:49

Five old ladies gathered in a Wood
To drink as much as they could

Flossieturner Fri 28-Sep-18 14:16:06

A very old lady from Plumstead
had this one thought in her head
I need a large Gin
But not one from a tin
“Only drink Hendricks”. the nuns said.

Five old ladies gathered in a Wood

travelsafar Fri 28-Sep-18 14:06:58

A very old lady from Plumstead
Had this one thought in her head
I need a large Gin
But not one from a tin!!!

Flossieturner Fri 28-Sep-18 14:01:33

A very old lady from Plumstead
Had this one thought in her head
I need a large Gin

Panache Fri 28-Sep-18 11:03:09

A very old lady from Plumstead
Had this one thought in her head

Flossieturner Fri 28-Sep-18 10:01:28

My Irish cousin looks good in green
A vision of beauty that has to be seen
With fiery red hair
No-one else can compare
With this truly stunning Colleen

A very old lady from Plumstead

henetha Fri 28-Sep-18 09:42:53

My Irish cousin looks good in green
A vision of beauty that has to be seen
With fiery red hair,
No-one else can compare

Bellanonna Fri 28-Sep-18 09:41:10

My Irish cousin looks good in green
A vision of beauty that has to be seen
With fiery red hair

travelsafar Fri 28-Sep-18 07:59:47

My Irish cousin looks good in green
A vision of beauty that has to be seen

henetha Thu 27-Sep-18 14:51:26

My Scottish cousin wears a lovely blue kilt
Thank goodness he doesn't go out on stilts!!!
He'll enjoy the Strathspey, a reel and a jig,
Proving undoubtedly that he really is big!
And will dance all night till his energy wilts.

My Irish cousin looks good in green

henetha Wed 26-Sep-18 11:39:05

My Scottish cousin wears a lovely blue kilt
Thank goodness he doesn't go out on stilts!!!
He'll enjoy the Strathspey, a reel and a jig,
Proving undoubtedly that he really is big!

Elrel Tue 25-Sep-18 17:32:41

My Scottish cousin wears a lovely blue kilt
Thank goodness he doesn't go out on stilts!!!
He'll enjoy the Strathspey, a reel and a jig,

travelsafar Tue 25-Sep-18 16:38:14

My Scottish cousin wears a lovely blue kilt
Thank goodness he doesn't go out on stilts!!!

henetha Tue 25-Sep-18 10:33:27

Twenty girls from Ireland were going to a dance
Hoping fervently to find a sizzling romance
They preened and twirled whilst curling their hair
They dressed with style and so much care,
Some were lucky, others didn't stand a chance!

My Scottish cousin wears a lovely blue kilt

travelsafar Tue 25-Sep-18 08:06:31

Twenty girls from Ireland were going to a dance
Hoping fervently to find a sizzling romance
They preened and twirled whilst curling their hair
They dressed with style and so much care

travelsafar Mon 24-Sep-18 13:38:57

Twenty girls from Ireland were going to a dance
Hoping fervently to find a sizzling romance
They preened and twirled whilst curling their hair

henetha Mon 24-Sep-18 10:26:28

Twenty girls from Ireland were going to a dance
Hoping fervently to find a sizzling romance

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