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(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Sat 02-Mar-19 17:12:48

Next limerick starter!

The best limericks are funny and clever

MissAdventure Wed 06-Mar-19 23:44:29

There’s a strange little man by the lake
He is naked and holding a rake!

Jangran99 Wed 06-Mar-19 23:56:12

There’s a strange little man by the lake
He is naked and holding a rake!
There must be a reason

FarNorth Thu 07-Mar-19 00:10:41

There’s a strange little man by the lake
He is naked and holding a rake!
There must be a reason
In this chilly season

Elrel Thu 07-Mar-19 00:26:41

here’s a strange little man by the lake
He is naked and holding a rake!
There must be a reason
In this chilly season
It must be a dare, for goodness sake!

There was a young lady who skied

Bellanonna Thu 07-Mar-19 10:08:19

There was a young lady who skied
She was very proficient indeed

henetha Thu 07-Mar-19 10:10:56

There was a young lady who skied
She was very proficient indeed,
But she went off-piste

bigcol1 Thu 07-Mar-19 10:37:15

Theres a strange little man by the lake, who always was on the make. (Cant think of anything else...others carry on from here...)

bigcol1 Thu 07-Mar-19 10:43:27

There was a young lady who skied, who was very proficient indeed, she went off - piste, and ending up deceased; that unfortunate lady who skied.....

Panache Thu 07-Mar-19 11:18:42

That unfortunate lady that skied
Was certainly one of an apt breed

Jangran99 Thu 07-Mar-19 18:51:59

Welcome bigcoll. In this game we each add a line in turn and the poster who supplies the last line then gives the first line of the new limerick?

That unfortunate lady that skied
Was certainly one of an apt breed
She flew down the slope

FarNorth Thu 07-Mar-19 19:22:04

That unfortunate lady that skied
Was certainly one of an apt breed
She flew down the slope
And we all gave up hope

Jangran99 Thu 07-Mar-19 23:11:00

That unfortunate lady that skied
Was certainly one of an apt breed
She flew down the slope
And we all gave up hope
She'll never survive ,we agreed.

I've developed a very large bunion

Bellanonna Thu 07-Mar-19 23:15:29

I've developed a very large bunion
Yes, you’ve guessed it: the size of an onion

MissAdventure Thu 07-Mar-19 23:21:34

I've developed a very large bunion
Yes, you’ve guessed it: the size of an onion
It won't fit in my shoes

Jangran99 Thu 07-Mar-19 23:23:31

I've developed a very large bunion
Yes, you’ve guessed it: the size of an onion
It grew layer by layer

Jangran99 Thu 07-Mar-19 23:30:18

I've developed a very large bunion
Yes, you’ve guessed it: the size of an onion
It won't fit in my shoes
It's of various hues

Bellanonna Fri 08-Mar-19 07:57:19

I've developed a very large bunion
Yes, you’ve guessed it: the size of an onion
It won't fit in my shoes
It's of various hues
And will stop me from having much fun, then!

I am thinking of writing a book

FarNorth Fri 08-Mar-19 08:59:26

I am thinking of writing a book
As an author, how smart I will look

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 08-Mar-19 10:06:56

I am thinking of writing a book
As an author, how smart I will look
How many beans should I spill?

Panache Fri 08-Mar-19 10:21:11

I am thinking of writing a book
As an author, how smart I will look
How many beans should I spill?
All those big blank pages to fill

grandtanteJE65 Fri 08-Mar-19 12:14:40

I am thinking of writing a book,
As an author, how smart I will look.
How many beans should I spill
All those pages to fill?
I think I’ll just do it, by hook!

My cat is asleep in my bed

Panache Fri 08-Mar-19 14:51:09

My cat is asleep on my bed
Having just recently been fed

Jangran99 Fri 08-Mar-19 15:58:45

My cat is asleep on my bed
Having just recently been fed
I'm going to move her

FarNorth Fri 08-Mar-19 20:53:23

My cat is asleep on my bed
Having just recently been fed
I'm going to move her
But not with the hoover

Elrel Fri 08-Mar-19 21:17:28

My cat is asleep on my bed
Having just recently been fed
I'm going to move her
But not with the hoover
Unless there's too much fur shed.

The family all came for a meal

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