Gransnet forums


Limericks 15

(1000 Posts)
Jangran99 Wed 01-Jul-20 09:39:57

Carrying on from

My garden was glad of the rain
Me too, 'cos watering's such a pain
The lawn is all soggy
Squelch and boggy

MissTree Wed 01-Jul-20 09:45:43

My garden was glad of the rain
Me too, 'cos watering's such a pain
The lawn is all soggy
Squelch and boggy
It really does drive me insane .

I went to the shops yesterday

Jangran99 Wed 01-Jul-20 09:59:33

I went to the shops yesterday
Oh dear, lost my card, couldn't pay

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 10:29:28

I went to the shops yesterday
Oh dear, lost my card, couldn't pay
I felt such a chump

henetha Wed 01-Jul-20 11:02:49

I went to the shops yesterday
Oh dear, lost my card, couldn't pay
I felt such a chump
Phoned the bank in a hump

grannylyn65 Wed 01-Jul-20 11:08:39

Who replaced it without delay

Whilst watering plants in the sun
I thought I am not having fun
The hosepipe is kinked

MissTree Wed 01-Jul-20 17:04:15

Whilst watering plants in the sun
I thought I am not having fun
The hosepipe is kinked
To my kitchen it’s linked

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 17:50:57

Whilst watering plants in the sun
I thought I am not having fun
The hosepipe is kinked
To my kitchen it’s linked
The connector has just come undone!

Water's knee deep in the kitchen

Jangran99 Wed 01-Jul-20 18:38:27

Oh dear, I forgot to add the few rules we have.
The rules of play for very welcome new players.

We each add just one line each in turn
AABBA Format

Water's knee deep in the kitchen

Jangran99 Wed 01-Jul-20 18:44:33

Water's knee deep in the kitchen
Quickly, we'll all have to pitch in

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 19:19:30

Water's knee deep in the kitchen
Quickly, we'll all have to pitch in
My wellies are on

MissTree Wed 01-Jul-20 20:18:37

Water's knee deep in the kitchen
Quickly, we'll all have to pitch in
My wellies are on
My partner has gone

Bellanonna Wed 01-Jul-20 20:22:48

Water's knee deep in the kitchen
Quickly, we'll all have to pitch in
My wellies are on
My partner has gone
He’s gone back to his wife in Hitchen

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to

MissTree Wed 01-Jul-20 20:46:12

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to
The stopcock is out in the lean to

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 20:48:34

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to
I’m cross that there’s so much to do

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 20:49:12

Oops, I was too slow!

Squiffy Wed 01-Jul-20 20:50:48

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to
The stopcock is out in the lean to
It's covered in clutter

Jangran99 Thu 02-Jul-20 09:08:34

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to
The stopcock is out in the lean to
It's covered in clutter
'Can't find it', I mutter

henetha Thu 02-Jul-20 11:00:10

I’ve now got a wet kitchen to see to
The stopcock is out in the lean to
It's covered in clutter
'Can't find it', I mutter
Must admit I'm not very keen to.

I'd rather get on the phone to the plumber

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 02-Jul-20 13:15:26

I'd rather get on the phone to the plumber
As the situation is a bit of a bummer

Jangran99 Fri 03-Jul-20 00:15:36

I'd rather get on the phone to the plumber
As the situation is a bit of a bummer
He's coming ,thank goodness

Elrel Fri 03-Jul-20 00:22:17

I'd rather get on the phone to the plumber
As the situation is a bit of a bummer
He's coming,thank goodness
He’ll do what he should, yes,

Juliet27 Fri 03-Jul-20 09:29:55

I'd rather get on the phone to the plumber
As the situation is a bit of a bummer
He's coming,thank goodness
He’ll do what he should, yes,
It’s sadly been one hell of a summer

With kitchen flooded and partner gone

henetha Fri 03-Jul-20 10:05:25

With kitchen flooded and partner gone
I'm feeling rather put-upon

Squiffy Fri 03-Jul-20 10:57:45

With kitchen flooded and partner gone
I'm feeling rather put-upon
I need a large gin

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