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Change a word, change a phrase.

(35 Posts)
tiredoldwoman Wed 01-Jul-20 20:08:01

" I want to be a real girl" - Pinochio .

phoenix Wed 01-Jul-20 18:13:35

"May the fork be with you, Luke"

phoenix Wed 01-Jul-20 18:12:23

"Somewhere over the roadworks"

phoenix Wed 01-Jul-20 18:10:36

"Go on, punk, make my sandwich"

phoenix Wed 01-Jul-20 18:09:36

" Beam me up, Spotty"

phoenix Wed 01-Jul-20 18:07:52

"Tomorrow is..... what day is this?"

FlyingHandbag Wed 01-Jul-20 18:04:52

"Luke, I am your hamster"

tiredoldwoman Wed 01-Jul-20 16:37:36

We're gonna need a bigger coat ! - Jaws
( definitely true ! )

FlyingHandbag Wed 01-Jul-20 16:22:43

I meant to write iconic phrase from a film. X

FlyingHandbag Wed 01-Jul-20 16:17:58

Hi all,
I thought this would be a fun game. Change a word from an iconic phrase to make a new one. It can be funny, ridiculous, serious or sad, as long as you change a word. I'll start: "Wax on, hair off" ("Wax on, wax off" The Karate Kid).
Enjoy. X