Gransnet forums


Limericks with very strict rules ..... 88558

(1001 Posts)
MissTree Sun 02-Aug-20 10:31:18

Some of the limericks on the Gransnet threads are really good and worthy of publication I think .
Some don’t keep to the rules. I know games are for enjoyment and it’s all about the taking part but I wondered if anyone else would feel like me ? Could we have a thread of limericks which stick to the 88558 syllable rules ?
I hope it’s not out of order to suggest this. What do gamesters think? AIBU ?

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sat 19-Sep-20 16:11:30

I'm going to be fat as a house
Will I be too big to dance to Strauss?

Jangran99 Sat 19-Sep-20 19:18:41

I'm going to be fat as a house
I‘ll be too big to dance to Strauss?
That waltz Viennese

Hellogirl1 Sat 19-Sep-20 21:13:32

I`m going to be fat as a house
I`ll be too big to dance to Strauss?
That waltz Viennese
Brings folk to their knees

Grany Sat 19-Sep-20 21:19:30

I`m going to be fat as a house
I`ll be too big to dance to Strauss?
That waltz Viennese
Brings folk to their knees
On a diet now with me spouse

I fancy a chocolate moose

crazyH Sat 19-Sep-20 21:37:27

I fancy a chocolate moose
I'm letting my appetite loose

Jangran99 Sat 19-Sep-20 21:40:17

I fancy a chocolate moose
Not that one running ‘bout the hoose

crazyH Sat 19-Sep-20 21:45:42

I fancy a chocolate moose
Not that one running ‘bout the hoose
It must be a Yorkie

FarNorth Sat 19-Sep-20 22:09:17

I fancy a chocolate moose
Not that one running ‘bout the hoose
It must be a Yorkie
Tho' I'll be a porkie

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 20-Sep-20 09:07:09

I fancy a chocolate moosse
Not that one running 'bout the hoose
It must be a Yorkie
Tho' I'll be a porkie
And all my fat blubber is loose.

I hardly dare stand on the scales

crazyH Sun 20-Sep-20 09:29:17

I hardly dare stand on the scales
I'd weigh the same as two whales

henetha Sun 20-Sep-20 10:52:40

I hardly dare stand on the scales
I'd weigh the same as two whales
With big fat wide hips

crazyH Sun 20-Sep-20 11:50:08

I hardly dare stand on the scales
I'd weigh the same as two whales
With big fat wide hips
Jeans with broken zips

Jangran99 Sun 20-Sep-20 15:59:24

I hardly dare stand on the scales
I'd weigh the same as two whales
With big fat wide hips
Jeans with broken zips
I really have gone off the rails

I’m planning to start dieting

FarNorth Sun 20-Sep-20 23:12:51

I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing

crazyH Sun 20-Sep-20 23:17:58

I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing
Lettuce for breakfast

Jangran99 Sun 20-Sep-20 23:18:25

I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing
The hunger will pass

Jangran99 Sun 20-Sep-20 23:19:19


I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing
Lettuce for breakfast

Juliet27 Mon 21-Sep-20 06:14:12

I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing
Lettuce for breakfast
An 'empty' repast

henetha Mon 21-Sep-20 09:52:32

I’m planning to start dieting
I'll hardly be eating a thing
Lettuce for breakfast
An 'empty' repast
Oh darn it, I'm having a fling!

The first dish will be Eton Mess

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 21-Sep-20 09:57:04

The first dish will be Eton Mess
Which is my favourite, I confess

crazyH Mon 21-Sep-20 10:29:47

The first dish will be Eton Mess
Which is my favourite, I confess
That crunchy meringue

Juliet27 Mon 21-Sep-20 10:46:09

The first dish will be Eton Mess
Which is my favourite, I confess
That crunchy meringue
The strawberry tang

crazyH Mon 21-Sep-20 12:15:43

The first dish will be Eton Mess
Which is my favourite, I confess
That crunchy meringue
The strawberry tang
I bet I won't get into that dress

Some people will revel in the sun

Bobbysgirl19 Mon 21-Sep-20 13:11:42

Some people will revel in the sun
But others might just cut and run

Jangran99 Mon 21-Sep-20 19:09:24

People will revel in the sun
But others might just cut and run
For me, dappled shade

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