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Limericks 14

(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Sat 19-Sep-20 19:11:57

To carry on,....

Today I saw the first mince pies
Too soon for all they symbolize
It’s simply absurd

Jangran99 Fri 23-Oct-20 20:04:13

So far we’re lucky in the South
While we all cover nose and mouth

Juliet27 Fri 23-Oct-20 21:16:07

So far we’re lucky in the South
While we all cover nose and mouth
I'm sure we'll catch up

Elrel Sat 24-Oct-20 01:55:46

So far we’re lucky in the South
While we all cover nose and mouth
I'm sure we'll catch up
In cafes soon sup

Juliet27 Sat 24-Oct-20 10:46:26

So far we’re lucky in the South
While we all cover nose and mouth
I'm sure we'll catch up
In cafes soon sup
The cases are rising in Louth

I’m just so glad I’m not Boris

henetha Sat 24-Oct-20 10:57:41

I’m just so glad I’m not Boris
Even though he does look like Doris

crazyH Sat 24-Oct-20 11:38:26

I’m just so glad I’m not Boris
Even though he does look like Doris
He needs his hair permed

Juliet27 Sat 24-Oct-20 15:58:41

I’m just so glad I’m not Boris
Even though he does look like Doris
He needs his hair permed
I've watched him and squirmed

henetha Sun 25-Oct-20 10:28:22

I’m just so glad I’m not Boris
Even though he does look like Doris
He needs his hair permed
I've watched him and squirmed
Me and my other half, Horace.

Yesterday I tidied my cupboards

crazyH Sun 25-Oct-20 11:53:12

Yesterday I tidied my cupboards
And found some colourful tabards

Tickledpink Sun 25-Oct-20 19:01:06

Yesterday I tidied my cupboards
And found some colourful tabards
I may put one on

crazyH Mon 26-Oct-20 11:04:45

Yesterday I tidied my cupboards
And found some colourful tabards
I may put one on
To mow my front lawn

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 27-Oct-20 10:03:13

Yesterday I tidied the cupboards
And found some colourful tabards
I may put one one
To mow my front lawn
The sight of me may scare the birds.

A smooth tongued lounge lizard from Rhyl

Juliet27 Tue 27-Oct-20 13:33:17

A smooth tongued lounge lizard from Rhyl
Imagined he’d give girls a thrill

crazyH Tue 27-Oct-20 14:08:13

A smooth tongued lounge lizard from Rhyl
Imagined he’d give girls a thrill
He spoke with a twang

Juliet27 Tue 27-Oct-20 21:41:16

A smooth tongued lounge lizard from Rhyl
Imagined he’d give girls a thrill
He spoke with a twang
In ears his words rang

henetha Wed 28-Oct-20 14:27:56

A smooth tongued lounge lizard from Rhyl
Imagined he’d give girls a thrill
He spoke with a twang
In ears his words rang,
When he left he'd leave you the bill.

The police very soon caught him

Grany Wed 28-Oct-20 15:10:54

The police very soon caught him
He wasn't that cool really dim

crazyH Wed 28-Oct-20 15:42:19

The police very soon caught him
He wasn't that cool really dim
Was stopped in his tracks

Flutterby1 Wed 28-Oct-20 16:17:19

The police very soon caught him
He was’t that cool really dim
Was stopped in his tracks
Until they discussed All the facts

Grany Wed 28-Oct-20 17:02:21

The police very soon caught him
He was’t that cool really dim
Was stopped in his tracks
Discussed all the facts

crazyH Wed 28-Oct-20 18:21:47

The police very soon caught him
He was’t that cool really dim
Was stopped in his tracks
Discussed all the facts
Then lost all his vigor and vim.

I lost my purse on my walk today

Juliet27 Wed 28-Oct-20 22:34:57

I lost my purse on my walk today
Not only that, I lost my way

Grany Thu 29-Oct-20 09:11:43

I lost my purse on my walk today
Not only that, I lost my way
Then retraced my tracks

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 29-Oct-20 09:34:23

I lost my purse on my walk today
Not only that, I lost my way
Then retraced my tracks
And met up with Max

henetha Thu 29-Oct-20 10:15:45

I lost my purse on my walk today
Not only that, I lost my way
Then retraced my tracks
And met up with Max
"Coffee?" he said, "I'll gladly pay".

So we flirted a bit while we drank,

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