Gransnet forums


Acronym ABC

(1001 Posts)
nanna8 Fri 20-Aug-21 08:38:39

Write a sentence using 3 consecutive alphabet letters going through the alphabet so ABC could be
A bsolutely
B eautiful
C hildren and next would be DEF.
We’re in extended lockdown here so it might help !

bonbons01 Thu 28-Oct-21 20:53:59

Calamitous dancing emus

EkwaNimitee Thu 28-Oct-21 19:59:39

Zumba and Bhangra

eGJ Thu 28-Oct-21 19:44:11

Was xiylitone yellow?

SachaMac Thu 28-Oct-21 18:19:13

Getting holiday ideas

crazyH Thu 28-Oct-21 15:22:16

Think Uncle’s vexious

biglouis Thu 28-Oct-21 13:24:11

Queen reigns successfully

Crocus5 Thu 28-Oct-21 10:22:54

Not opened present

henetha Thu 28-Oct-21 10:07:46

Knitting lovely mittens

crazyH Thu 28-Oct-21 08:31:41

Having instant jelly

Kim19 Thu 28-Oct-21 08:28:08

Ever fervently grateful

Jumblygran Thu 28-Oct-21 06:33:15

Bouncy castle deflated

Ali08 Thu 28-Oct-21 05:21:01

Young Zara Attended


mrswoo Wed 27-Oct-21 22:09:39

Very wobbly eXtension.

eGJ Wed 27-Oct-21 21:54:32

Steady tall umbrella

NanKate Wed 27-Oct-21 21:21:33

Please quickly return

Jumblygran Wed 27-Oct-21 20:51:47

Muscles need oxygen

crazyH Wed 27-Oct-21 20:35:06

Joining karate lessons

fairfraise Wed 27-Oct-21 20:20:27

Gorillas have instinct.

labazsisslowlygoingmad Wed 27-Oct-21 17:18:08

daft elephant forgets

Crocus5 Wed 27-Oct-21 17:05:23

Aunt buying cottage

henetha Wed 27-Oct-21 16:57:53

eXpecting yodelling Zambian

biglouis Wed 27-Oct-21 12:28:13

Unwearable violet wellingtons

eGJ Wed 27-Oct-21 05:12:55

Really sturdy toddler

crazyH Tue 26-Oct-21 21:45:52

Often pleases Queen

bonbons01 Tue 26-Oct-21 21:43:34


Lost my nerve

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