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Calla Zantedexchia

(6 Posts)
Luckygirl Wed 12-Sep-18 09:58:47

Another lovely birthday present!!

The person who gave it to me suggested it could "just be stuck in the garden"!

I have looked it up on google and it is not very helpful, saying it is hardy in zones x,y,z, of America.

Would you put it outside? Might it survive the winter?

Fennel Wed 12-Sep-18 10:08:02

We had one near our pond in France, and I've seen others near ditches etc. I used to cut it back after flowering and it came back year after year. Didn't seem to spread though - I think it's a bulb.
It seemed to be frost-hardy - we had severe frosts in the winter.
They're beautiful.

Fennel Wed 12-Sep-18 10:08:49

ps I meant to add I got the impression it likes a damp spot.

merlotgran Wed 12-Sep-18 10:20:23

I grow mine in pots because we have a dry garden. That way I can ensure they get enough moisture and I can move the pots into the greenhouse during the winter as we are prone to sharp frosts. They like daytime sun but afternoon shade so east facing is ideal.

I would keep it in a pot over the winter then you can decide where best to put it next year.

Elegran Wed 12-Sep-18 10:35:08

I saw these in the mild West of Ireland. Deserted and tumbledown houses would have a flourishing clump in their front garden with nothing else left . They like damp spots.

I have bought pot plants but they are not as big as the Irish ones, and they come in colours, while the Irish ones were all white. I don't think they are hardy outside here unless you are somewhere without winter frosts.After mine have finished flowering I leave them somewhere on a window ledge to recover, warering them until the leaves die down. They look straggly and awful so a spare bedroom is best. Then I trim off the dead leaves and put the pot away somewhere for several months (unwatered) After a decent interval, I bring the pot back, water it well and put in somewhere warmish to wake up again. They have reflowered several times with this treatment.

The leaves and flower shoots seem to grow taller when they reflower - I wonder whether they had been treated somehow to stay shorter?

Elegran Wed 12-Sep-18 10:45:06

I think these are the Irish ones
and these the coloured ones,
Care instructions for the smaller potted ones are at